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Is the Delmar Loop safe?
5 AnswersSt. Louis1 decade agoWhat is septic arthritis???
I did the symptom checker on for my five year old cousins symptoms and I think she may have it. Any comments from you doctors out there?
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agoMy five year is having various heath issues, help please docs.
It started out with a virus, then she got a UTI screaming she could not get off the toilet. Finally her mom picked her up off of the toilet and took her to the hospital, then she acted like a completely normal five year old, happy as she could be. Earlier that day she had been complaining of stomach cramps off and on. Also being hungry, eating a few bites, then saying she couldn't eat anymore, that she wasnt hungry. Now today she wakes up complaining she cannot get up her leg hurts so bad. Her mom once again took her to the hospital. I am not sure what is going on at the moment we are still waiting to hear. You also have to remember this is a five year old who is very prone to bladder infections and has had a kidney infection before and didnt complain one single moment, so she has a very high tolerance to pain. So if she is complaining something is wrong. I am sure I'm leaving out details but it's the best I can do at the moment. Thanks : )
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoWhat is 7x+49 factored?
10 AnswersMathematics1 decade agoI need a change with my hair or makeup!?
I have blue eyes, medium skin and light brown hair.
10 AnswersMakeup1 decade agoHow do you tone your muscle quick?
For the last couple months I have not been able to do anything active, not cheerleading tumbling, or tae-kwon-do... because I have to get knee surgery. But I still need to stay in shape, and I'm losing my muscle. But I have to find something to do without hurting my knee.
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoHas anyone had chondro malaysia in their knee???
Mine seems like it just won't heal, I dunno wat to do.
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoIs being a dead cheerleader stupid for Halloween?
I'm 14 and I have no idea what to wear for this party I'm going to! I already have the uniform.
15 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoIs being a pirate stupid???
I'm 14 and I have no idea what to wear to this party i'm going to.
19 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoIs being an elf helper for halloween stupid?
I'm 14 and I have no idea what to wear for this party I'm going to!
11 AnswersHalloween1 decade agoWhat should I be for halloween?
I'm 14 and I have no idea what I am going to wear to this party I'm going to?????????
3 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago