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I have bad allergies; and am wondering if anyone knows if that places me at higher risk for severe side effects from Moderna, Covid vaccine?
I just read a post from cdc, you can have a bad allergic reaction; and the moderna vaccine doesn't guarantee immunity anyway.
4 AnswersAllergies3 weeks agoDoes a diagnosis of asthma; put the individual at higher risk for contracting the Covid-19 virus and its variants; or is it irrelevant?
I have had asthma since 1989. I am 48 years old now; and still suffer from asthma attacks. Does this mean I am at higher risk for catching Covid-19; or is this not one of the risk groups? If it is the risk group involved; where do I go get my shots?
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 month agoWhen criminal trials drag on for years and years; should defendant be given jail time credit for exact opposite of "speedy trial"?
I have a friend who is on trial for Felony. I have to take her to court often; and miss work to take her there. I miss out on a whole days pay. When she gets to court; they continue the case, and no progress is made in her prosecution. I feel this is unfair to defendants in general; as they may be found innocent of charges in end. The agony of anticipating outcome of a slow trial; and the lack of speedy trial...should create a credit for defendant (whether found guilty or innocent). Do you agree? This because; defendants in today's are stripped of right to speedy trial. My friend has been on trial for over 2 years now; and there is no progress evident in prosecution's case.
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month agoI received the following message when I check on my 3rd stimulus status at IRS's website. What is wrong that they don't have record of me?
I am single, make less than 75,000 a year, and don't see why I don't exist to them at this time. I am counting on this 1,400 and plan to pour it into the Moving company I started.
1 AnswerUnited States1 month agoWhat method of cooking; in your opinion, is best for cooking a steak?
There is pressure cooker, frying pan, outdoor grill, baking, foreman grill. I bought some delicious steak for first time in my life; and have no idea which way to go about it of the methods. Suggestions?
26 AnswersCooking & Recipes2 months agoHave you ever gave up doing something you were really good at and enjoyed?
I am an accomplished classical piano player. I stopped playing because I am older now, and no one wants to give old farts lessons to improve. You had a parallel situation that you encountered in your life? I also am held back because I don't have college degree; which means everything in many people's minds.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 months agoWhat causes common scratches on dvd's and cd's? I don't mistreat my media but can't figure out why they are getting scratched. Ideas?
All my musical discs don't play because of faint scratches. I keep them in flip fold folder; and don't mistreat them. Yet, somehow they get scratched. What could be the problem?
7 AnswersMusic & Music Players2 months agoImagine that you are running your own business as a moving company in a cold state like Nebraska. Could cold spell, cause decline in $?
I started my own moving company and in competition with King's and Covan (moving companies). We just had a bad cold spell here in Kansas; and I am sitting back doing nothing. Could the cold spell make people not want to move; or am I just imagining things?
3 AnswersSmall Business2 months agoIs the following a scam in your opinion?
"Me: Hello, how are you doing today?
Her: Good to hear from you, I'm doing great too. I was just wondering if you have heard about the good news of American Hope Resources program (AHR) 2021 Commission ?
Me: No I have not.
Her: It's about the money grant offer from the American Hope Resources program for financial assistance to help people maintain the Economy and reduction of poverty for the standard of living, I saw your name among the winner list when the AHR agent brought cash to me and I wonder if you have got yours ?
Me: No I have not
Her: We're on the same winning categories when the FedEx brought my winning money package to me at my home doorstep"
This conversation is coming from face book from one of my "friends". She sends images of several thousand dollars; tells me in order to claim mine; I must buy some gift cards for processing. If this is a scam, how does it work?
4 AnswersPersonal Finance3 months agoI have an excellent question for physicists, and scientists; it regards lithium ion batteries. Please read below for details. Can you help?
Ok: It says on warnings about Lithium Ion batteries not to store in very cold or hot temperatures. It flashes in my mind the Mars Rovers, like Curiosity. I looked up its power system. The power system of Mars rover has two lithium ion batteries as back up power. Main power source though is decay of Pu-239; as heat...converted to raw electricity. Now I know surface of Mars gets to -40 degrees F. So if cold is bad on lithium ion batteries; why are they used on Mars? Could this be a myth that cold is bad on lithium ion batteries, then? I can understand heat being bad on any electronics like batteries; but cold seems to help them. I might do my own myth busters on this subject; if no one can help me. By the way: I freeze treat all computer equipment that gets stupid with much success. Help explain please why cold is bad on lithium ion batteries; but they are used on Mars...where it is cold A.F.
5 AnswersOther - Electronics3 months agoYou agree you are more likely to get pulled over; late at night (when every one is asleep); because police are bored & have nothing to do?
I wake up real early in morning, like 5 am. The streets are completely empty at this time. I drive normally, sober, with seat belt on, and obey all traffic signs. Yet, still: Somehow I get pulled over easily driving at these hours. One time: Cops said they heard a woman scream in area I just came from. Or: Maybe I swung out too wide on another occasion on a right turn. I come to realize there is no one on the streets at these hours but druggies, cops, etc. Sometimes; I believe since there is no one on streets...I can just blow right through a stop sign after looking both ways. After all: Who am I going to hit? So when I do this; or any little thing I come the police with flashing lights and sirens...pulling me over to question me where I am going, and where I came from. Also: What I do for a living. I do these same oversights during broad daylight with no police pulling me over. Can someone help explain this.?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police3 months agoWhat causes an old truck to run better when you boost the octane of fuel; it possible to put too much Octane, and destroy engine?
I had this old truck that was running like poo; so I tried something. I went down to auto zone and bought me some octane boost. Put 1/2 the container in for 3/4 tank of fuel. Then, I topped off with 92 octane gas. Took it for a long drive, and now it runs like a champ. Now: I have two issues: A) Why did it work? B) Is it possible to add too much Octane and some how "blow up" your motor as result?
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 months agoAny body else but me; disappointed in quality of Wal-Mart products?
Shoes, and boots flying apart after only 2 weeks of wearing them. Face masks you buy...the strings don't hold and break. Also: ridiculous everyone cleans the shelves off of everything that is cheap...but never give a hoot about quality. My theory is Chinese **** that gets transported to USA walmarts is slave manufactured. Think of it: If you are making only a quarter an hour for your services; would you give a hoot about quality of product you are making. Yes: Wal-mart, I am blasting you.
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government3 months agoWhat causes wall heaters to make loud popping noises, that drive you nuts while you are sleeping?
I got this wall heater that makes popping noises all the time; and drives me nuts. What could cause this?
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 months ago