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in divorce settlement dose this seem Canada general rule about dividing family assets (50/50)?
both worked full time,but I was the only one that put up my money for the downpayment on the house and I made ALL the mortgage and paid all the bills with my earnings.sure she deserves something,BUT 50/50 that is really not fair.I will have to re mortgage the house when there is only $30000.00 left to pay.feels like I will be starting from scratch again,when I should be sitting pretty with no mortgage payments.
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agosoon to be ex tells mutual friends she will get 1/2 of assets,yet paid for nothing,bills,mortgage,down payment?
it would be my financial downfall if she was to get 50%.I am willing to give her a fair percentage,but 50% is total B.S.
I was the one that paid the down payment for the house,she contributed nothing.I was and am the only one that ever made mortgage payments,and I paid ALL of the household bills(hydro,phone,heat,maintenance,taxes,etc.).She worked a full time job but she never helped out paying bills,she kept her money to herself.when things got tight ( $ ) she still would not help out,she horded money that we received as wedding gifts(still had some even after 8 years of marriage)but still no help given to pay bills.why should I have to go back into dept (remortgage) so that she gets $ that she is truly not entitled to.I would be more than fair in how much money that I would give her.When will she end her ride on the FREE train.she makes good money and is living together with her new man so it's not like she is in financial trouble.she also stands to get over 1/2 a million inheritance money one day.the best advise that I can offer to any one is PRE NUP
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agohow long should i wait,wife left 1.5 years ago & left 90% of her things at my house?
i have asked her several times to collect her possessions or at least let me know what i can through out.not a word of a lie,i boxed up MOST of her shoes (over 50 pairs,some of which have never been worn ) i have them neatly stacked up but they take up 1/4 of the spare bedroom.she also left about 80% of her clothes and they fill up 2 dressers and 3/4 of my closet space.must be doing O.K. to be able to buy all new clothes,she is a real clotheshorse to boot.i mean really have i not given her way to much time to collect her things or tell me to get rid of them,i need the room for myself and for my NEW ROOM MATE.maybe i should have a FIRE sale! i know several women that would go wild to sort through all the things left behind or to give them away to salvation army or some other group that would give them to the needy.boy there sure would be some well dressed less fortunate ladies walking around.but seriously,how long do i wait.
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoplease help me figure out why my X maybe acting like this
we have been separated almost 2 years,we split up in a amicable matter.we don't talk very often,but when we do talk she seems to be p-off at me most of the time.other times she is very nice and calm and we have a good conversation.we have made some basic agreements about $,so that should not be a reason for her bad attitude sometimes.she has been living with her new man for over a year and a half,for some reason she did not want me to know.our daughter told me about them well over a year ago,it's not as if i would hold it or use it against her,if she is happy,good for her.i have endevered to be cordial when speaking to her but when she acts nice i feel that she has a hidden reason behind her actions of acting nice.i had hoped that we could still be civil to each other,i wish her no ill feelings,but she usually acts as if i was a wife beater.that is so far from the truth,she was always treated like the lady she was (is).i would like to hear your views or what her motives maybe for acting this way.
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoseparated for 1.5 years,Aug.5 would have been 13th Anniversary
even though we are not together now,I would still like to send her a card.would that be kind of a strange thing for me to do.she also just started a new job,i would like to send her my congratulations and best wishes.i know that it may sound weird but sending her a card is something i would really like to do,believe me when i say it is not in hopes of reuniting with her we are way past the point of no is and always will be a date that i will always cherrish and hold fond memories of our past anniversary(s).and please do not give me the old GET OVER IT MOVE ON lines please,as we have moved on and got over it.
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoshould i phone my x-wife and tell her our dog passed away?
when my wife left (1 & 1/2 years ago ) she made a big stink about wanting to keep our dogs.but where she moved to she can not have pets.i told her well over 3 weeks ago that our oldest dog was getting old very fast and that she should see her soon before it was too late,unfortunetly i had to put her down last week.she had trouble walking and going up stairs,took her to emergency animal clinic,after running lots of tests,vet said it would be for the best if i was to put her painfull as it was,for her benifate i held her lovingly as the vet gave her the injection,she past away quickly and quietly.i got her creamated and have her x and i have not spoken in over 4 weeks,she made no effort to see our dog when i told her that she was getting old fast,should i phone her and tell her.i don't know if she really diserves to be told.
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agowould it be wrong to give X a letter i wrote for her but did not send?
6 months after she left i sat down & wrote a heart felt letter for her,but did not give it to her.we will never get back together,but i would still like her to read it.i want her to know how i truly felt about her,i unfortunetly did not show her or tell her often enough.i failed to see that as such a huge thing at the time,but in retrospect WOW i really blew it,better late than never just dosen't cut it.both moved on,but what do you think should i give it to her to read .or should i talk to her and ask her if she would like to read it or not.this may sound funny but i feel it would put closure to some unresolved questions that we still share.
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoseparated 1 yr x went with new bf to meet her family,do you think that it is o.k. for her to be doing that?
her father and i get along better than they do.we talk every other weekend.he said that i will always be his son in law no matter what happens,and we will always be the best of friends.he gets in trouble from my x's mother because she says that he sticks up for me instead of his own daughter.he tells her that right is right & wrong is wrong,i know that her new bf dose not have the slightest chance of ever being accepted by him.i wish that i could be a fly on the wall when bf gets introduced to her father.i just feel that it is tacky if her to do this when we are seperated but not divorced.oh by the way when she left she left about 90% of her clothes and other personal things,her belongings are still here after 1 year.what should i do with her stuff,i have asked her several times to come and collect it.we still talk to each other weekly.funny thing though,she dosen't think that i knew about her bf and her being together even before she left home,cheater,cheater,cheater.ha ha ha. it's ok
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agohas anyone been gone through this,wife worked nights i worked night i took care of our daughter 4 7yr?
we were married for 10 years,lived together for 5 years before x dosen't drive i use to drive her to work 5 times a week and pick her up after work,which was at 1:30 a.m.when our daughter was younger i would have to wake her up at 1:00a.m. put her in the car,20 minutes there 20 minutes back home,i did this for for over 4 years.i asked her to please work day shifts or get a job that is closer to home.she blew that idea off.she finally did get a job closer to home,about 5 minutes away but still night shifts,i did not mind picking her up being so close to home.this went on for years.she is a gorgeous,and works as a bartender,believe me i know how often guys would hit on her,regulars would see her more than i would,but she always came home with(to) me.but eventually the lack of us time lead us to drift apart,we had little time together let alone quality time.she left home 1 year ago,leaving almost all of her belongings behind.i knew that she had met someone else,a regular customer
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago