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I am a Grandmother who is computer literate and interested in social Justice and Human Rights
I have planted marigolds from seed. When they grew to about 3" I replanted them in my garden bed. They are?
Not flowering and I do not know why?
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years agoHow to use Boracic Acid to get rid of silverfish?
I was told last year a good way to get rid of silverfish was to try using Boracic acid. How is this done? Just sprinkle it around?? help
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years agoCan some tell me who is the author of these lines to a poem?
" I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree"
is it Yates or Tennyson or another author - I have forgotten his/her name
1 AnswerPoetry1 decade agoHow do I get rid of silverfish insects in the bathroom?
I do not want to spray insecticides around the house - I am highly allergic to chemicals.
I need an eco-friendly natural way to be rid of these pests
4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoI am looking for a safe - environmentally friendly way to be rid of flying ants coming into my back porch.?
they are not the tiny little ants I see on the ground outside - they are bigger and they actually fly.
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoHow long can we store fresh eggs in the refrigerator?
After one month in the fridge are eggs still good enough to use in a recipe?
8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoIf it is 11:00 PM right now in Montreal, Quebec Canada, what time is it in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, U?
Are they on the same EST as those up north in Montreal Canada?
5 AnswersGeography1 decade agoHow can I find my two nephews whom I believe are in the state of Texas?
one was born in Hawaii and the other in Canada- parents are US father, Canadian mother. They would be about 48 -or 50 years old now.
Their Canadian aunts and uncles want to meet them again with love.
5 AnswersGenealogy1 decade agoWhat is the difference between an opened and a closed adoption of a child in the state of Maine?
If an adoption took place in the court in the State of Maine in the late '60's would that make it an opened or a closed one?
6 AnswersAdoption1 decade agoIf a child was born in Augusta Maine in the late '60's how can biological mother find him now?
Biological mother is Canadian now 78 and wants to see her child before she passes away. Are legal adoption records now open?
Can she legally contact him. Help please please.
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoIf a child was born in Augusta Maine in the late '60's how can biological mother find him now?
Biological mother is Canadian now 78 and wants to see her child before she passes away. Are legal adoption records now open?
Can she legally contact him. Help please please.
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoI created an avatar that is similar to my own image. Why does it not appear when i answer questions.
It always did show next to my answer - until tonight
1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade agoI have been given and IMac computer in the SX series - can I connect a Cannon IP 4000 Printer to it?
The Lexmark printer I now have is not compatible with this computer.
The IMac is 10.3.9
Any one know ?
2 AnswersPrinters1 decade agoHow to be rid of "silverfish" they are little bugs in my lower kitchen cabinets?
I know that silverfish are associated with lack of cleanliness but I am considered by others and myself as a clean homemaker. They lurk in dark spaces and move like lightening, I do not want to use insectesides, Any old fashion methods that work? help
4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoHow can I get rid of ants on my patio without using insecticides?
I would not want to use some remedy that is not eco-friendly.
11 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoI am looking for an alternative to using styrofoam cups. We have a little tea room but no ele. dishwasher?
When serving the public one cannot use china cups and dishes if they are not washed by an electric or gaz dishwasher., so says the gov't inspectors. paper cups are not a solution as they can burn the customer's fingers. Anyone know what we can use?
3 AnswersGreen Living1 decade agoWhere can I buy eco-friendly merchandise for non-profit boutique?
We have a small non-profit shop in the St.Rose Laval area of Quebec and we want to stock eco-friendly items for re-sale and wuld like to find a wholesaler to buy from.
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoContacting Media Outlets for Community Events?
I have tried to contact the various English newspapers in the Montreal Quebec area but cannot get through to make a community event publicized.
Any shortcuts ?
1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade ago