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Sports Freak and I love Music
2010 Toyota Corolla sounds like airplane or turbine slowing down when braking?
NO it is not worn out brake pads. Before everyone throws that answer at me, the pads are about three weeks old and the rotors were just resurfaced. I’m not a rookie in dealing with cars, I certainly know how to maintain pads and rotors.
Sometimes the noise goes away for awhile, but it is happening more frequently lately. There’s a load low pitch hum when I brake and the slower I stop the car, the more pronounced the sound gets. Sometimes it actually does growl as though a pebble is being squeezed between the pad and the rotor. The catch is there is nothing caught between them and my pads and rotors are in perfect condition and basically brand new. The sound can be felt in the pedal as I brake and on two occasions was so load/fierce that it shook the dashboard. I can’t find anything online resembling this issue and I don’t know what on earth could be causing it. Anybody experience this before?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs2 years ago