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  • Should I take a break from potty training my toddler?

    My 2 1/2 yr old son has been showing signs of readiness for potty training since he was 2 but we have held off due to lack of bladder control. We have been letting him walk around the house without a diaper for periods of time for a while now and have decided to give it a try. He does great if I can get him on the potty. He will sit and pee and even have a bowel movement but he will not tell me before he has to go.

    Should I hold off on potty training or is this just a matter of working with him to develop that self control? I am worried that if I back off now and wait that we will loose any progress that we have made. Anyone who has had similar problems?

    I don't want to rush him or put too much pressure on him but I feel like he is ready.

    Thank you

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Sexy ideas to welcome home a man from Boot Camp?

    My husband will be coming home from boot camp and I want to do something sexy to welcome him home and let him know how much I missed him. We don't have a ton of money but I want to make it unique.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Woman thinking about joining the navy?

    I am 23 yrs old and am thinking about joining the Navy with my husband. I am not 100% set on any profession I just would like a life changing experience and th opportunity to pay off my student loans before I die. :)

    Any women out there who have been in the Navy and have any thoughts?

    Also I am in CO so the air force acedemy is close. I hear a lot of people say that the air force is better for women. Is that true? Why?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Cheap vacation ideas?

    I live in Colorado and I would like to plan a surprise getway vacation for my husband is September. We dont have a lot of money to spend but I want to do something nice. We camp a lot so I would prefer to do something other than camping. Any ideas would be wonderful.

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What does my dream mean?

    I keep having dreams about a guy friend from high school. These dreams are becoming much more frequent and are usually sexual in nature. I am married and it is really starting to worry me as to why I keep having these dreams.

    What do these dreams mean? And should I try to find him again to resolve whatever issues that I have with him?

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What can I do to help make sure my son is taken care of once I leave my husband?

    My husband and I have been together for 8 years and things keep getting worse. I have a 1 1/2 year old son with him and my husband just ignores him. I get no help around the house with my son or any of the household chores. I know that it wont be easier doing it all by myself but at least I will have the opportunity to find happiness somewhere else. I also don't want my son to grow up with parents that are always fighting. It's never bad but it's not something I want my son to see all of the time. I have a good job that will help carry us through and I am willing to sacrifice everything that I need to to make sure that my son has everything.

    To all the women that have done it before. What should I know and be prepared for once I go? I am affraid of being alone, how long will that feeling last before I get used to the idea?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Interviewer thinks I have a degree and I dont. What do I do?

    I interviewed for a position and they made me an offer. Once I accepted they asked that they run a background check. I got a notice today saying that they can't verify my degree, I made a mistake on my resume and it looks like I recieved a bachelors degree. What do I do? I really need this job but I am affraid that I am going to lose it over this misunderstanding.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Technical school for nursing?

    I am wanting to go back to school to become an RN but the technical schools out here cost $40,000 from start to finish. I looked into community college but it will take me roughly 5 years to finish with the waitlist.

    Is it worth spending the extra money to know that I can start working years sooner than if I went to community school? Also do the people attending technical school tend to be more dedicated to completing school?

    Do employers care how I got my RN as long as I pass the exam?

    2 AnswersHealth Care1 decade ago
  • Is my 9 month old frustrated by me signing to him? ?

    We just started signing to my 9 month old son and ever since we started he seems to be very frustrated by everything. Is this because of the signing or is this just a stage? Should I stop trying?

    Also does anyone know how long it usually takes before they start to sign back to you?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Separation anxiety or nightmare?

    Last night my 8 month old son woke up screaming. This is unusual for him, he never wakes up during the night. I was able to console him but he wouldn't close his eyes, we were up with him for almost 2 hours trying to get him to go back to sleep, he looked scared and confused but wouldn't go to sleep. Now today he was clingy to me and we faced the same issues around nap times. Is it just the start of separation anxiety or was it a nightmare?

    Has anyone else experienced this and what did you do? I am very worried about this as my son is a great sleeper and we have never had any problem like this before.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • replacement for egg in coating meat?

    I am baking a battered pork chop but I don't have any eggs. I can't go to the store right now, what can I use to replace the egg to coat the pork chops?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can my family handle moving to MD?

    My husband is looking at a job transfer from Denver, CO to Washington D.C. I don't know much about the east coast but I hear that the crime rate in MD is outrageous and the cost of living in D.C. is unreal.

    Is there any area within a decent commute time that would even begin to resemble Denver? We are looking for a decent suburb with a low crime rate that won't cost us a fortune.

    Should I just stay home?

    6 AnswersWashington, D.C.1 decade ago
  • Everstar MPM1-10CR-BB6 drain?

    We have an Everstar MPM1-10CR-BB6 portable air conditioner that we bought last year, it is leaking water from the bottom of it and we can't figure out how to drain the water. We lost the owners manual and I can't find a website for the company. Does anyone know where or how to drain this particular model of air conditioner?

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • design symbols with words?

    Does anyone know what it is called when a design looks like one word rightside up and like a different word when it is looked at upside down?

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • First Father's Day with my stepfather?

    Does anyone know of any poems for stepfathers? I have really connected with my stepdad and I want to find a way to let him know that I love him and am glad that he is in my life now.

    I have tried to find the words myself but nothing seems just right, I am looking for inspiration right now.

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • how does the low energy assistance program work?

    I am in a place of financial hardship and am looking for ways to help my family pay for our bills and I have discovered LEAP. What I haven't been able to find out is how it works? Do they pay for your heating bill or do they just give you so much money each month? We are coming into summer and I don't want to apply if it is not benficial.

    Has anyone recieved this help and was it worth the hassle of dealing with the county health department?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Trouble with Milk supply?

    My son was born last week and he was doing great with breastfeeding. Now he seems to be spitting up more often, almost like he is choking on the milk while he is nursing. This worries me, but my breasts now feel softer than they first did. I am worried that my milk supply is getting low because I am doing something wrong during feeding. Has anyone else experienced these same problems and can tell me what I should do?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is my husband gay?

    I have found gay pictures saved on my husbands computer several times. When I questioned him about it he said that it is just an insecurity that he has about the size of his penis, he compares himself to these guys. I can understand the insecurity that a person has in a world so focused on sex but the men in these pictures are quiet young, clearly of legal age but still young. Should I worry that he is gay or just currious? Is it normal to compare yourself like that?

  • Pregnant and laid off?

    I am 29 weeks pregnant and was informed today that I am being laid off. I don't fee that I am being laid off because I am pregnant but the severance package that is offered wont cover me thru the end of the pregnancy. I am only getting one month of heath insureance and I am due in two. Do I have any sort of legal standing to ask that they pay me for more and cover my heath insurence for longer?

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My friends stopped talking to me. Ideas?

    I have been friends with these three ladies at work for some time now, two of whom are sisters. A few weeks ago one of the sisters went into a mental hospital. Today she came back but wouldn't even talk to me. I called her to make sure she was okay, and even offered to watch her dog until she got better. Now none of the three women will talk to me. They purposely walk around my desk at the office. I really just want to understand what I could have done that would make these people treat me like this. How do I keep working with these people without showing how hurt I am?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago