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david v

Favorite Answers7%
  • Which is actually worse?

    We have AG Holder saying he knew nothing about selling over 2000 weapons to drug cartels. So which is worse he knew or his depts. are so out of control they did this without him knowing? He is either incompetent or stupid it seems

    5 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • If Bush stomped all over the Constitution with the Patriot act?

    and the warrantless wiretapping that sen. Obama voted for. Why has'nt any Dem proposed changing it any way shape or form? 3 options here as far as i see. 1 it didnt violate the Constitution

    2 its okay if Dems are in charge of violating it 3 both parties crap on the Constitution?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is cash for clunkers still Obamas one good program?

    Having just heard that everyone that got their 4500 dollar credit is going to be 1099'd on that money and will owe income taxes for it! I wonder if congress read that fine print ?

    The govt. giveth the govt taketh right the heck back!

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So what direction will Obama take now?

    Since they are backing off the public option for insurance and this will be seen as a major loss for the administration what direction does the rest of his presidemcy take.

    Will he go the Clinton route and turn into super moderate or will he stick with a far left agenda?

    Oh i know the white house is saying they havent backed off but that is just politics, the smoke signals that this was doomed have been around all last week and frankly it would be suicidial for the Dems to continue pushing for this and they know it.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is our medias love affair with Obama that far behind this?

    No you dont need to download the japanesse to read the stories. say NO

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Scary question here for Obama supporters.?

    I am not looking for a bunch of propaganda here i just want to know what you think. If Obama is going to lead us to an international government at the expense of our national sovereignty, Are you still on board?

    Call it a hypothetical question if that helps you answer.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Opinions on Obamas video message to the Iran people.?

    It has received very little media attention but people from Iran that i know have said it was a mistake of epic proportion. He made (im not going to try to spell their leaders name) A hero to their people by having the US president show weakness to them personally. He proved that all their propoganda about a weak US is true.

    Now im just telling you what they have told me. This comes from a relatives Iranian in-laws and all of them said the same. This was a stupid stupid mistake.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Am i dreaming or does this AP article actually give both sides of the argument?

    Have they now begun to realize how dangerous Obamas budgets and policies are?'

    We have not seen the AP take anywhere near this tone with Obama yet. Usually the have a headline saying Dems are backpedaling on AIG and the whole content of the story is republicans trying to regain power. They actually suggest Obama may be wrong here!!!

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A curious question hoping for a rational answer?

    A company donates money to many people for elections and after the election the #1 recipient puts in a clause in legislation that allows that company to receive bonuses they don't deserve on instruction from someone in the #2 recipients office.

    After these bonuses are given everyone gets mad at the guys that got the bonuses that weren't hired to protect the people of this country and give the authors a pass?

    How do you rationalize this? To me it looks like they gave 165 million in tax payer money for under 235,000 in campaign money???

    Please explain how this makes sense to you?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Regarding the AIG bailout.?

    Non partisan answers please i really want to know if im missing something... Every news organization is reporting that AIG received 170 billion in total bailout money so far, Today the chairman of AIG testifying in front of Bawney Frank said they received 40 billion from tarp 38 billion from the stimulus and an additional 30 billion available that they haven't touched yet. Frank didn't argue or question these numbers and just ran right past the point. My question is this obviously doesn't equal 170 billion.. Where is the rest of this money or did the government just funnel it through AIG to cover where it went?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • My accountant says i owe $2800 to the IRS this year?

    Is this to small an amount for me to be eligible to serve in Obamas cabinet? If i dont pay it for 4 years would this better my chances?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • looking for a site that will show percentages of public sector vs. private sector workers in the US?

    have heard it as high as 50% but cant find any data to back this claim or any data at all for that matter. Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do you feel now that you got your middle class tax break of $13 dollars a week?

    Are you satisfied with the results or starting to realize Dems don't return money because money enables them to buy future votes? Oh btw it drops to 8 dollars soon.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Since we know Obama would never lie?

    where i can i find this stimulus bill with all its details online to read before its voted on as he promised for every bill under his administration?

    This is going to be the most transparent president ever right????

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Gonna try this here since i got no response there?

    What percentage of private sector workers versus public sector is sustainable? we are fast approaching 55% public sector now if you add in all that work for or sell to the government. At what point will the private sector no longer be able to generate enough tax revenue to support this?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What percentage of private sector vs. public sector workers is the breaking point?

    Considering we are approaching 50% of the population being supported entirely by tax revenue already( either employeed by a branch of government or their industry is selling to the government)

    Where is the breaking point here and are we close?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • this is very amusing to me. Anyone else troubled?

    I am watching the Dem senators on cspan debate themselves! "will this stimulus pork filled bill work?' Why yes it will! Okay lets deal with the complaints... Okay experts say they are wrong it will work! So lets spend 900 billion because we won regardless of doing whats right for the people.

    Forget the fact that latest polls show this bill at 60% against we won and will pay back our supporters regardless of the hurt it causes.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • are we about ready to admit that ??

    Just about everyone in Washington is corrupt? Doesnt matter what party you support they are all out for themselves.

    Does Obama want change,,probably but he is finding fast that those that he is looking to are really the problem. Fire all of them and lets start over with a constiutional govt.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Nancy Pelosi was right about lack of regulation being the cause of Freddie and Fannies collapse?

    why then did EVERY democrat senator oppose more oversight and regulation of them? Cost freddie 2 million to sway 9 republicans to kill the bill (they should be prosecuted too btw) but every dem was on board already.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Obama wanted to help the average guy?

    Why didnt he just skip the Lobster caviar and champagne "lifestyles of the rich and famous meal" with Michele and give that money to Joe the Plumber to pay his tax debt?

    I think that might have solved a lot of his worries.

    Also are you sorry you sent money to his campaign knowing he is spending that much on a pre dinner snack knowing that prices at the Waldorf Astoria would have run 500 dollars at least.

    source though i dont have a link is Page 6 NY post october 17th

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago