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How do I print 2 4x6 sized text documents on one page using WORD?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoAnyone have a good recipe for Italian Wedding Soup?
Using beef meatballs and pasta?
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWhy is beef bad for some dogs?
11 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDoes he? I can't read signals well.?
There's a guy at the dog park who every time we're both there looks at me a lot, engages in conversation a lot, tries to be close to me, compliments me on my tattoos/clothes/dog ownership. He's offered to watch my dog for me if I've ever needed him to. All signs point to him liking me, I think, only he hasn't asked to hang out or asked for my number.
Is it likely that he likes me and should I just ask him if he wants to kick it next time I see him?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoGuys, if your girl said?
"You can't watch porn if you're with me" would you be ok with that? Why or why not?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMy dog hates having his nails groomed?
no matter how slowly I introduce the trimmer or dremel he still freaks out when I hold his paw to shorten his nails. He doesn't freak out when I hold his paw without the trimmer/dremel just when the grooming tools are around. Everything I've tried, treats, gentile corrections, making sure he's worn out first, fails. He's too big for me to physically restrain and I'd really hope to not have to do that but I'm starting to think it's the only way. Should I get someone to help me or just take him to the groomers to have it done? Would a sedative from the vet be helpful? I don't like the idea of sedating him but I don't want his quicks to grow out too long.
8 AnswersDogs1 decade agoRaw feeding and chewing?
Does raw feeding (prey model diet or BARF) satisfy the dogs need to chew? Do they still chew on toys as much or does the chewing desire get somewhat satisfied by the RMB (raw meaty bones).
6 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat breeds do you think my dog is?
He's around 7 months old, 50 pounds and a shelter dog so I don't have any clear idea as to what he could be. Guesses?
25 AnswersDogs1 decade agoProblems with "stay" and recall.?
My 6-7 month old pit/lab/dane mix is doing quite well in his training. We only started training about 6 weeks ago (got him 2 months ago) and he's gotten "sit" "down" "hi-five" "drop it" "no" "shake hands" down pat. He just doesn't stay...ever. Nothing has helped. Treat-training, corrections, he just doesn't seem to catch on. He also has terrible recall (he rarely comes when called, when he does he gets tons of praise and treats). Any tips on how to train him to sit and come when called?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat kind of aftermarket products should I put in my 07 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer edition? ?
I'd like a navigation system, bluetooth capabilities, and something like the Microsoft Sync system.
1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade agoDoggy DNA Testing Experiences?
Has anyone had any experience with getting their dog's dna tested? Which company did you use? How accurate was it?
1 AnswerDogs1 decade agoNew rescue housebreaking issue.
I brought home a 5 month old American Staffordshire Terrier mix from the shelter Saturday (4-5 days ago) and he's getting better at housebreaking but will pee inside if he doesn't go out the second he needs to. He goes in one spot it seems, right by the gate that blocks off the bedroom where the cats are hiding out. What's the best way to curtail this issue? I've thought about moving his bed there since I know dogs don't' like peeing where they sleep, would that work? How about a deterrent like bitter apple? Help please! I'm running out of carpet cleaner!
4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago