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Hey guys, i need some help with camping locations near NYC, any direct 2-2.5 hour drive no more.?
I ve googled so many, but neither really suit me and my friends. Basically looking for place where alcohol is allowed, and we can be left alone with the nature, like away from other people in about 2-4 mile radius with own exit to water for fishing. Also should offer rustic cabins or rent out tents.
Every thing i found so far offers only community setting camping, where 2 feet away there is another hour and people, bunch of kids and etc. we want to be away from that as it s no different than just living in NYC.
2 AnswersCamping6 years agoRoot canal tooth question?
Hello All,
First of all i want to say that i'm as hell afraid of dentists and tomorrow i'll have to visit one. About 2 weeks ago i had to visit dentist because of open nerve and had a root canal done, with temporary filling. the canals them selves were filled with special thing and the main cavity with something similar to cement - which is temporary. About a week ago i lost that temporary feeling while eating chicken wings. Since than i did not eat on that tooth and will be getting a permanent filling.
my question is (being very afraid of dentists) Will they have to clean that whole area again with the root chambers or only the main tooth cavity, or within a week nothing bad happened and they can just put some medicine, clean it and place a permanent filling? Also will it hurt? i already don't have a nerve there, or they will have to give me anesthesia shot?
2 AnswersDental7 years agoCamaro ls vs infinity g37x, my friend is lying or some thing?
Hello Guys,
Here is a little story which left me puzzled.
I leased my Camaro ls in February 2014, new, paid no inception fee, only paid like 100$ i believe for registration transfer. and i believe no more than another 100$ for document fee, if even that, no other inception been paid. Lease is for 39 months, MSRP of the car i believe 24k. monthly payment came up to 347$.
My friend a month ago leased infinity g37x for 39 months, with 1500$ inception fee, the car is also 2014, new, MSRP i believe 34k. his monthly payment he said is 319$.
So my question, how he got 319$ monthly payment on car which has MSRP of 34k even with his inception?
I really feel like, either Chevrolet ripped me, or my friend is really lying. I did some calculations and there is just no way his car should cost him 320$. Can some one clear this debate for me?
3 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years agowhy prostitution is illegal?
Why would it be illegal?
out of moral ethics? - then why cheating on your partner is legal?
financial? - government would raise a good tax off prostitution, right now it's being done illegally any ways but government does not get the tax paid.
Why paying for Psychiatric services is legal, where they don't offer any actual help like otherwise people get from Surgeons and Dentists?
What's different with prostitution and Psychiatric analyst? people pay for service, for help, to relief stress just like they pay to Psychological analytic.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agohow do i grow my penis?
i tried few types of pills and stretching but it's all not working, simple BS. is there a natural way to increase penis size?
7 AnswersMen's Health7 years agowhat happened to Colleges, Universities and the Army?
Recently i was flooded with thoughts about Education structures and Army. The idea of prestige being in University or college and completing them over their actuality. The value they give and overall Education/army as product.
These days Army and Education are products, we're constantly being sold. Marketing professionals selling us education (one college or the other) and same goes for Army.
So my question is: When did we allow Education become a product and why? same goes for Army.
Back in the days, having an education would be great on landing a job and etc. and these days Education doesn't gives us any practical knowledge, every one has it and people are not becoming smarter because of education. People only the the piece of paper for completion and that is it, no value after it, no job placement, no value over other candidates, nothing.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)7 years agoJob market flood?
I've been looking to change my job, but every where i look, the job market seems to be flooded with Sales jobs. There are no more normal Jobs where you don't have to constantly drive sales anymore?
1 AnswerFinancial Services7 years ago