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  • Is there any way to overcome bipolar disorder without therapy? ?

    I just needed help that if I can overcome bipolar disorder without therapy? Lately these past few months, it's been really difficult since I've been having outbursts and panic attacks so frequently. At first my mania would last a few days and then I would have the comedown but usually I would recover from it.

    But for the past few months my mood keeps switching so fast within the time span of a few hours. I get really ticked off at the smallest things and then things just escalate from there. 

    I've had episodes recently where I harmed myself with glass and a knife. Things are getting worse and unfortunately I'm not financially stable since I recently lost my job. I don't feel stable enough to work again but therapy costs so much. 

    Please if there's any way I can atleast overcome my outbursts, it would help me alot. Thank you. 

    7 AnswersMental Health2 weeks ago
  • I had took ecasty with anti depressants, should I stop doing them? ?

    Well, this happened last night. I had taken an ecstasy pill. Well a quarter of it cause my friend who was with me usually does this stuff and didn't want me to go overboard. After 30 mins, I felt normal and the same, so I got frustrated and took nervin (an anti anxiety pill). In total I took 2 pills. And not even 5 mins later, I feel the high kick in. Then after that it was a complete black out. I woke up with a severe headache and bruises on my legs. My friend told me that I had so many mood swings and my personality kept changing after every 1 min. Even now I can't seem to remember anything. Is taking anti anxiety pill with ecstasy leave a negative lasting effect on the body? I'm thinking of stopping doing any drugs since I have psychotic episodes and try to hurt myself. My friend also told me I tried jumping out the window. So in short, does ecasty and anti depressants do not go well together? And should I actually drop doing drugs cause it takes a toll on my mental health? 

    3 AnswersMental Health1 year ago
  • Idk why I wanna cry and cut myself for no reason whatsoever?

    Idk why but sometimes I cry for absolutely no reason,sometimes I wanna cut my arms for no reason. I used to self harm like 3 years ago, but all of a sudden I wanna start cutting my wrists. Before I was depressed and facing some personal problems but now I have no reason to be depressed about. I just wanna see the blood on my arms, it calms me down.I don t know what to do.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • I ve made so many mistakes in life?

    I ve made some horrible mistakes and I can t do anything about it,I ve made the mistake of sending my ex some private pics of me and I m so scared that someone will show them to my family, my family is extremely religious and I m so scared what will happen to me.They ll probably beat the sh*t out of me for running the family name or I ll be kicked out of the house,I m only 17.I have no idea what to do,I wish I could just die.Anyone please help me.

    5 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • I m being bullied by some guys what should I do?

    I m 17 years old and there are some guys bullying me and calling me names like slut,whore,so one of guys said he had sex with me even tho I ve never met him,so I confronted him today and he said if I didn t shut the **** up he would rape me.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago