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Why do people (usually the left) keep falsely claiming that the USA is a democracy? The US gov website says we’re a Constitutional Republic?
We are not a “democracy”, we are a “Constitutional Republic”. It’s very important that people learn the difference. See the USA government link, from the US embassy website, explaining this:
The government article (linked above and below) DIRECTLY states the following paragraph:
“While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal and state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means that there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.”
The US government article continues:
“What makes U.S. government uniquely American…its Constitution, the separation of powers, the concept of “checks and balances,” the decentralized roles of state and local governments ...”
Democracy, on the other hand, is almost mob rule. The 51% can vote to steal from, or kill, the 49%. They can legislate any laws they want, as long as they have the votes. A Constitutional Republic does not allow this, because it prioritizes constitutional rights
9 AnswersPolitics5 months agoLet’s presume, for a second, that Trump DID botch the coronavirus handling. EVEN STILL... Why would you vote for China sell-out Joe Biden?
Joe Biden is completely, 100% compromised and bought by China
Biden will destroy our country’s entire future, while Trump was fighting hard for it.
Why do people give in to their fear, hatred and panic? Why would they destroy their own country out of cowardice?
4 AnswersPolitics5 months agoHonestly, isn't blaming Trump for coronavirus deaths the most dishonest, cowardly, and sneaky political tactic ever?
1) Trump can’t possibly be blamed for a microscopic virus that was released by a lab in China. That’s absurd.
2) People all over the world are dying from it, not just people in America. The death tolls reflect obesity rates and population density- they have almost nothing to do with “political mobilization” etc. The fact is, Americans are fat and often smoke. Same reason Italians also died a lot. Americans also densely populate cities, so the transmission is naturally high.
3) if you think about it, it honestly seems like Democrats and China planned this. The virus was released FROM A LAB, DURING AN ELECTION YEAR, and to top it all off, DEMOCRATS ENSURED THE VIRUS CAME HERE BCUZ THEY AGGRESSIVELY CALLED TRUMP RACIST WHEN HE WANTED TO HALT FLIGHTS FROM CHINA. (So under pressure, Trump relented.) Then when the infected Chinese came here, Democrats POUNCED.
4) Meanwhile due to this, what will the result be? Well, China will become the world’s dominant superpower and America will be subservient to them because some idiots here voted for Biden because they IDIOTICALLY blame Trump for the virus. Which again, is absolutely insane and devoid of any logical intelligent thought. (Voter fraud also played a small part in Trump losing, but wasn’t the main reason. The main reason was the virus propaganda.)
Note- I’m not “denying the virus”. I’m not saying it’s not a bad virus. I’m simply pointing out the ABSURDITY and IDIOCY of trying to somehow blame Trump for the virus
13 AnswersPolitics5 months agoIf Obamacare/The ACA was so great, then why did all of the politicians (including all democrat ones) make themselves exempt from it? 🤷🏻♀️?
Fair question. Please answer with facts, logic or common sense. Thanks!
5 AnswersPolitics7 months agoWhy do democrats keep repeating The Big Lie, “Trump put kids in cages”, when everyone knows the pic of kids in cages was from OBAMA admin?
The pic of kids in cages was taken during Obama’s time in office. Obama had kids in cages, not Trump
7 AnswersPolitics7 months agoTo the clown Asker on here, that tried to ask “are republicans proud of Trump supporters committing arson, riots, looting, etc” I say this:?
That’s literally everything the Democrats are doing. You don’t really expect the American independent voters to be that stupid to believe your bullshit, do you? Lying just undermines your credibility further
Republicans have no reason to be angry or riot. We are glad Trump is president, we’re glad 2 conservative Supreme Court justices have been put on the court, and we want his presidency to go smoothly and want the 3rd Supreme Court judge nominated (Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative devout christian). All of that benefits us.
The only people that rioting, looting, and arson benefit, is the Democrats who think they can blame the destruction and chaos on Trump.
But is sort of like when a spoiled child throws a tantrum and kicks stuff over in the grocery store, because you don’t let them get any candy so they wanna destroy stuff since they didn’t get their way. When your child is acting like this, the correct course of action is not to cave in and give them candy… The correct course of action is to take them home, spank them soundly on the butt, ground them for a couple days, and don’t reward them at all for that kind of behavior.
The Democrats are being like the spoiled child in the grocery store, and they are about to get their butt kicked soundly in November.
2 AnswersPolitics7 months agoWhy do Virgin men always insist on blurting it out to the entire world that they’re a Virgin, even tho they know it’s unattractive to women?
This is a fascinating topic. I keep seeing this reoccurring theme, where virgin men ALWAYS ask this, after they’ve been rejected a few times due to their virginity.
And the funny thing is, they ALWAYS have this obsession/fixation with openly admitting their virginity. As if it’s a badge of honor. As if they feel required to blurt it out to the world.It’s like even though they KNOW that women view a guy being a Virgin as a negative thing, these guys STILL want to proclaim to every last human on earth “HEY EVERYONE I AM A VIRGIN!!!! VIIIIIRGGGINNNNN!!! That’s right folks! V-I-R-G-I-N!”I know this might seem like a crazy idea, but have you ever considered the common-sense idea of NOT telling girls that you’re a Virgin? 🤷🏻♀️ I mean, what you don’t tell them won’t hurt them. If they ask, just casually say you’re not a Virgin! And watch some pornos so you know how it’s done
And anyway, I’m not saying that Virgin guys need to be ashamed or anything. Just like if a guy has no friends or something, he doesn’t need to be ashamed. But like, neither of those things are something that you should blurt out before a girl has sex with you! Otherwise she won’t want to! Lol. 🤷🏻♀️
6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months agoIf masks work (and I believe they do), then why are some dem governors releasing convicted murderers/rapists? Why not just give them masks?
There was a guy that was convicted of rape, and he was released in California just a couple days ago “because of the risk of COVID”. When he was released, he immediately went and violently murdered his accuser.
This guy was not old, he was an in-shape athletic guys that was in his 20s. The virus was not even a big risk to him, because it’s extremely mild for people in his age group. And masks are supposed to work, right?
There was also a guy that had murdered several people, that was just released. He was serving an 84 year life sentence. He went and committed 3 more crimes.
I try to stay neutral politically, but this really doesn’t make any sense to me and it’s kind of pissing me off. They tell us that masks work. They make us wear them. But then they release dangerous murderers and rapists out onto the streets instead of giving them masks. Why? Why do criminals get more privileges and rights than we do?
And I want to reiterate, this was not just some criminals that were in there for smoking weed or getting drunk or peeing in public or cheating on taxes, or something that is generally not that dangerous. I mean these are hardened, dangerous felons that violently abused, raped or murdered people. Why are they out roaming free?
Aren't most democrats bothered by this?
11 AnswersPolitics9 months agoDid you know that the BLM “clenched fist” has been used in Communist Countries/Communist movements for decades since the Bolsheviks in 1917?
The clenched fist in Black Lives Matter is nothing new. It is a Marxist/Communist symbol that has been used for communist movements, communist flags, and propaganda posters in communist countries for decades.
More recently, Communist movements have used this symbol in the USA under the false guise of “social liberation” and “racial equality”, because they know it’s easy to manipulate USA citizens with talk of race. BLM’s own chief speaker says she is “a trained Marxist”, and the policies they push for are not helpful to blacks- they are communist.
In reality, BLM cares nothing about black lives- they have repeatedly refused to say where donation money is going. They (BLM) can’t even say if the money is going to help black people. BLM encourages the burning and destroying of black businesses and they didn’t even give any words of sympathy for the dozens of black men, women and children shot to death during these riots. BLM’s goal isn’t racial equality, it’s violent revolution and a communist takeover.
Know your history, or you will repeat it
4 AnswersPolitics9 months agoWhy do liberals keep calling us a “Democracy”, when we are in fact, a “Constitutional Republic”? ?
We’re not a “democracy”. We are a “Constitutional Republic.”
They’re similar, and both are better than communism or fascism or totalitarianism in general (which encompasses both fascism and communism) of course, but there’s a couple key differences between democracy and a republic:1) in a constitutional republic, we have elected representatives who promote positions they support. We vote for the representatives who best reflect our values. We don’t vote personally on every single small issue, as it would take too much time in a society this complex and large. 2) in a constitutional republic, the 51% cannot vote to enslave, harm, take guns away from, kill, or steal from the 49%. There’s laws, and a Constitution, and elected representatives must only enact policies within our existing framework of the Constitution. 3) In short; in a constitutional republic, you’re protected by a Constitution of inalienable rights which can’t be taken away by elected representatives and new laws can’t be made that infringe on your constitutional rights... At least in theory, as long as everybody respects and follows the Constitution
My guess is that they call us a democracy because they want to take away our constitutional rights, using democracy/votes, and they think brainwashing people into thinking we’re a plain “democracy” is a great way to help accomplish that.
6 AnswersPolitics10 months agoWhy are large corporations doing left-wing PR stunts, even when it will hurt their short and long term sales? ?
For example:
1) The mortgage company fired the mom of Garrett Rolfe, simply for being his mom, and then they publicly made excuses about “diversity and inclusion”.
Because of this, they are going to lose business and they may even face (and obviously lose) a multi-million dollar lawsuit.
2) Aunt Jemima, Uncle Bens, Land O Lakes, and similar brands are voluntarily removing their images and giving impassioned (but financially foolish) PC reasons for doing so.
Because of this, they are going to lose a lot of money long-term because they are going to lose their familiar icon and they are going to get less sales at grocery stores. They’re also pissing off both conservatives, AND the blacks and Indians who might actually want their people to remain on the cover/label.
3) Chick-Fil-A’s owner telling white people to “wash a black person’s feet if they ask” and saying “we are shameful until we apologize”. 76% of Americans are white, and around 85% of Chick-Fil-A’s customers are white. This latest stunt is undoubtedly going to hurt the brand. Being OK with gay marriage probably didn’t hurt Chick-fil-A, but having the audacity to try to shame all whites, is definitely going to hurt their business financially.
4) There are a ton of other examples.
Here’s what I don’t understand. Even if these companies were doing the morally right thing, (and arguably they aren’t), these companies have a long track record of making wise and intelligent decisions that will make them more money.
11 AnswersPolitics10 months agoI have noticed 10 key correlations between political movements that demonize an entire race of people?
Liberals/blacks have banded together to demonize, dehumanize, and attack whites, in very much the same way Jews were dehumanized, demonized and attacked in the 1930’s.
You may ask: Why did Hitler say things about Jews that were clearly not true? Because his ultimate goal was not to seek truth, but to kill Jews. His goal was the killing of Jews, plain and simple. Anytime a political movement vilifies a race of people, you will find a few common threads:1) The people inside the movement are very angry and emotional, and they aren’t up for rational, calm debate.2) Their movement is largely predicated on false facts, which they will demonize you for if you call them out on the facts not being true. (Tell a German in the 30’s that you think Jews really aren’t that bad, and they’d send you to a concentration camp. We aren’t there... yet.) Similarly, wear a MAGA hat or say you’re pro life or pro-law enforcement and mobs of leftist ideologues will violently assault you, 10x more so if you’re white. 3) they commit violence against the group that they hate, and when they find out they can get away with that, the violence increases in intensity and vigor.4) they like to tell you that they are actually on the right side of history… Even when they’re not. (They never are. Demonizing a race of people is never the right answer. Hate hasn’t solved any problems.)
2 AnswersPolitics11 months agoWhy do liberals think it’s socially acceptable to say that blacks run/jump better, but don’t think it’s acceptable to say whites higher IQ? ?
Whites have higher IQ*.
Liberals also say things like “whites can’t dance”, “blacks have bigger d*cks than whites” (but of course if you point out that whites are bigger than Asians, it’s unacceptable).
And according to liberals it’s OK to say that Asians are smart, but if you try to explain the crime or wealth disparity between blacks and whites by pointing out the whites are smarter according to science and IQ test and DNA testing, they say that you’re being racist or offensive.
Why do liberals only want to accept science that agrees with them?
As a white guy I have no issue accepting my place in society. 2nd biggest d*cks behind blacks, not as athletic as blacks, and don’t run as fast as blacks, but we are much more intelligent than blacks. We aren’t quite as smart as Asians but we are taller/bigger and more hung.
Why do liberals think it’s acceptable to bash whites using true stats but never ok to say whites are good at something using true stats?
4 AnswersPolitics11 months agoShould Jews confront their Jewish Privilege? ?
Jews need to confront their own privilege. Jews earn an average of $140,000 per person. Whites only earn $68,000 per person average. Asians also earn more than whites (but not nearly as much as Jews).
Jews are arrested less than whites or Asians, get off easier than whites or Asians and are shot less than whites.
When Jews sign contracts, they often find ways to lawyer or weasel out of it without paying full price. When Jews go to restaurants, they tip on average much worse than other races, even blacks who are the poorest tip better than Jews do.
Jews have helped keep blacks poor for 60 years with their credit, banking, predatory lending and of course perverted ideas like victim mentality, single motherhood, sexual promiscuity, feminism, and the welfare state. FDR was heavily influenced by Jews when he implemented the “Great Society” welfare state.
Jews have an enormous amount of privilege! And yet despite that, they like to claim victimhood and leech off of the white race’s societies. Jews constantly try to turn other races against each other.
I think it’s time Jews confront their Jewish privilege, and perhaps should even pay a Jew tax come tax-time. What do you think?
2 AnswersPolitics11 months agoWhy does nobody consider the possibility that the “average Black IQ” plays a central role in why they succeed less than other races?
First, here’s a 30 year study on race and cognitive ability. It’s scientifically sound and followed all of the proper methodologies for getting an accurate study, done over tens of thousands of people over 30 years.
This study proves that: Average black IQ is 86, average white IQ is 100, average asian IQ is 103 and average Jewish IQ is 114.
^ This goes hand-in-hand with violent crime rates, police shootings, and income; Asians and Jews earn more money than whites, get shot by police less per capita, and go to jail less per capita. Blacks do the worst in terms of earning poor incomes, failing out of school, committing crimes, and being shot by police, all most often per capita.
I’ve noticed a lot of debates tend to completely ignore this elephant in the room, and instead go like this:
LIBERAL- “Blacks are systematically oppressed. the system needs to change. Black lives matter!”
CONSERVATIVE- “How are blacks oppressed though? Whites are shot by police more. There’s good and bad officers. We have completely equal laws on the books.”
LIBERAL- “but blacks are shot by police more often *per capita*! The USA is 76% white!”
CONSERVATIVE- “Well, blacks grow up in single mother households, they earn less money and they commit more crimes, so they encounter police more, which is why police are more likely to shoot them.”
LIBERAL- “but why are blacks committing more crimes? It MUST be due to unfair policing practices of minority communities!”
3 AnswersPolitics11 months ago