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  • Insurance investigator jerking me around?

    4 weeks ago husband took me out to dinner. I went to ladies room and slipped and fell because floor was soaked. Restaurant manager took all my info and comped our meals and they were very nice and all. Insurance investigator calls me and says she send me a release form to fill out so she can get copies of my medical records and bills. She asked me a few questions like "Did restaurant employees react quickly to problem?" "Were they courteous and helpful?" "Do I have a history with problems with my back?" etc.So I answered all her questions and she sends me form. I got it 2 days later and mailed it right back. I also faxed to her copies of my prescription and doctors note for work . 3 weeks later and still she has not contacted me and bills are coming in. I call her and she says she has not received ANYTHING from doctors about me. She says when they get it they evaluate it and let me know what they are going to do. She speaks to me in such a way as trying to make me feel like some criminal. What should I do? This is a first time experience for me. Thanks

    7 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • How do you keep your faith?

    In a world where just meeting basic needs for yourself and your family has become so impossible, how do you keep believing? I know God is here and I talk to Him. I just don't know if He is listening. I know there are people who have been dealt a brutal hand but still manage to keep their belief and love in God strong. Why then am I struggling so hard with it? I know I am a sinner. But doesn't God know I believe in Him? Why is it so hard to keep my faith alive anymore? Especially now when we are drowning in debt and have lost so much. It should be at it's strongest. Why isn't it?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Loans with bad credit?

    Where can I get a loan even though my credit is bad? Thanks for any help you can give,

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think its ironic that Congress is demanding oil companies .....?

    justify their profits on April Fool's Day???? Better yet who thinks that we will actually get an HONEST answer?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does anyone still support dog the bounty hunter?

    Okay I know what he said was wrong. But does anyone remember how he captured Andrew Luster who was convicted of 87 COUNTS OF RAPE. Does anyone remember how he took serious criminals off the streets, how he repeatedly helped the make a wish foundation, how when he arrested people he actually tried to get them help instead of just throwing them away, the charities he has contibuted to, and countless other things. His worthless pig of a son sold him out for a few bucks. So 30 years of work are all down the drain over ONE stupid phone call that someone obviously set him up for. Surely I am not the only person who thinks this.

    11 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago