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    Who will be President after Pelosi?

    Favorite Answer:

    Chelsea Clinton

    23 AnswersWellington6 months ago
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    Do I have a work discrimination case?

    I work for a company performing essentially a sales role with 3 other employees who have the same title and responsibilities. However, my first 3 sales are not credited to me each month (these are substantial commissions), while the other employees receive their full pay. Granted, I started 6 months after the first 2 were hired, and a month after the 3rd one was hired, but I’m the most qualified. I spend the most time on the phone, and I’m by far the highest performer. It’s a very bizarre structure in the office, however. Of the 10 employees on the main floor, I’m the only white male. My positional counterparts are a black male (with no college education or sales experience, he happened to be friends with the president), a black female, and a lesbian white female. The lesbian female is married to our white lesbian manager. My black counterparts are actually the ones who suggested I’m being discriminated against because of insecurities stemming from management. Oh yea, the manager is the presidents sister.

    Even if discrimination doesn’t exist, I’d like to know if I have a case? All I ask is for equal pay. I don’t see on what grounds unequal pay could be validated.

    5 AnswersDunedin2 years ago