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    Would you consider him to be fat?

    Favorite Answer:

    yes                         .

    4 Answers6 months ago
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    How to get a body like this?

    Favorite Answer:

    Visit your local McDonalds and you will soon look just like that.

    4 Answers6 months ago
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    What do you think he does for fun?

    Favorite Answer:

    Tries to find his Chuckee Cheese tokens.

    8 Answers6 months ago
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    Is this ok to wear to the gym?

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    When you go to the gym, it's important to wear clothes that are breathable and flexible. It's good to look good – but remember that fitness and safety are your foremost concerns. Ill-fitting clothing can cause itchy skin, rashes, or more serious injuries. Also, be mindful that your clothes may shift when you're working out. Wear clothing that will facilitate a solid workout.

    6 Answers6 months ago
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    Based on my body, how old would you guess I am?

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    7 Answers6 months ago