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  • 6
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    Why is New Zealand so boring?

    Favorite Answer:

    I don't think that New Zealand is boring.

    10 Answers2 years ago
  • 1
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    What do I need to do in order to move to New Zealand?

    Favorite Answer:

    You need to find out what New Zealand requires of people who want to immigrate. If you dropped out of high school, your chances of immigrating legally are zero. Lots of people want to move to New Zealand, and most of them have degrees, or skilled trades, so If you don't have either of those you don't have a chance. If you don't have any money, they may not even let you in as a visitor. Countries like to know that visitors have enough money to support themselves for the duration of their visit. And you can't legally work there as a visitor. Your only real chance is by getting a working holiday visa if you're between 18 and 30. You'll need a return ticket, $4,200 NZ dollars, and medical insurance.

    8 Answers2 years ago