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do you believe in God? and why?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do believe in God for many reasons. First because of the existence of all his intricate and wonderful creations. Our planet for example reveal his unequal mightiness. It hangs upon nothing and revolves around the sun at exactly 365/366 days in a year. Its speed doesnt change for billion of years in order to maintain its steady distance from the sun. These characteristics of our planet and its inate system reveal an unequal love, wisdom and knowledge from the person of God. Love is the foremost quality of God and he wants us to live happily and this can be traced by his maintaining our planetary system in order that life will not be extinguished on earth. There are other factors why we should believe in God, why not e-mail me at samson.delforever for a thorough discussion.

    Source(s): bible
  • 1 decade ago

    Which god? over the course of history, thousands of gods ( ) have been dreamed up.

    Most people think the only one that's real is the one their parents told them was real. Coincidence?

    Nobody has ever provided any evidence that any gods, much less a specific god, exist. People believe in specific gods because of indoctrination from an early age, tradition, apophenia, hallucinations, fear of torture (for gods sadistic enough to threaten it) and other similarly illogical reasons. But no gods exist in reality; these are all stories, created for people who were scared of the world long before we understood it. Now we have no more reason for these superstitions.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. The belief in God, to me, stems from people who invented a thing to explain what they did not understand. (God is angry, so he made an earthquake happen, etc.) We are no longer ignorant people who need to be at the mercy of superstitions. We needed answers, and we needed to belong. Then we needed to maintain order. Fear does that very well. And when we use fear, we can control even the strongest people. (Don't kill. or you'll go to hell.) But control leads to power and power leads to corruption. I believe we can now live educated lives in peace and drop all the drama.

    Source(s): Atheist.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. I don't think there is evidence. And the questions like "How did it all began?" might be genuinely answered by "There is a God." Or it might not. I think there is about as much evidence supporting a deistic-like entity as a non-entity. But even if there was a creator, inability to describe him means there is very little impact in my life. It is almost arbitrary. And Christianity doesn't not supply convincing answers either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I believe in God. Why? Because I have Faith.

  • Catie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes. I believe in the one true God of Abraham. Why? There is nothing to disprove he exists. I have personally seen many miraculous things in my life to confirm he lives and loves me greatly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I believe in God because of what has happened to me and my life..All the wonderful blessings he has given me, and all you have to do is believe and have faith...Thank you Jesus...

  • 1 decade ago

    yes I believe In God because hE Loves every human being, that is why he send Jesus CHrist to save the humanity from sins. Jesus reestablish the communication and relationship that was once cut off by Adam and Eve after they sins in the Garden of Eden.

    Jesus loves us, he died for us and promise eternal life to all who follow his teachings and believe in him as the savior.

    i Believe in God because, by simply looking at the universe, one should think that God deserve praise.

    My friend if have not accept Christ, please read the new testament and learn the facts about Jesus in order to be saved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A God?

    Any God?

    More than one God"

    Your God?

    Please be a little more specific, it makes the question easier to answer...

    What I believe in you could not begin to comprehend

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God is a possibility, but I am more intent on realizing who I am and why I am here.

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