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why bad things still happens even we pray?

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many servants of God is not free from any harm even when they pray regularly. Consider Jesus, although he is the son of God who prayed very hard, God let him suffer many afflictions , pains, maltreatment, and falsely judge as Belzebub, the leader of the demons, accused also of being an enemy of Rome, and then ended in a shameful death on the cross. How about God' servant Daniel, a man who prayed regularly but what happened to him? He was thrown into the pit of the lion's den because he was caught praying. Consider also other faithful servants of God like Abraham, Job, Noah, Moses and many others all of them have experienced a test of faith though they prayed very hard. What was then all the reasons behind this? God let all these to happen in order to answer the one taunting him day and night (Proverbs 27:11). He is confident that all his true servants will be faithful to him under trial and in the end he will prove to be the most sovereign, the rightful ruler, and that obedience of all his faithful mankind will be once and for all be on his side and not on the devil, satan.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe u prayed 4 bad things 2 happen 2 u.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's important to realise that the problem isn't that God isn't hearing your prayers--He is. God is all-knowing and eternal.

    The problem is that your prayers are not being answered. That could be because God is too busy (a laughable idea), or that He simply doesn't care.

    I personally believe that He's hearing your prayers--He cares about you--but for reasons of His own He's choosing not to answer them.

    We have to remember that people cannot be brought back from the dead. When God chooses to take someone away, no amount of praying will bring them back. When God chooses to bring hardships into the world it is always for a reason--a reason that we cannot even begin to understand.

    And there's also the fact that people usually only pray when something bad happens--how many times do we sit and pray when something good has happened?

    "Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient?" --Morgan Freeman

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prayer from an innocent mind which totally believes and depend on God shall be heard by God immediately. You are right that despite of lot of prayers, our life becomes more miserable. The reason is, we surely pray, but we fail to understand ourselves and to remove our shortcomings. God wants us to be pure in heart, cleanse our thoughts, humble down and to patch up with all those who are against us. If we pray, keeping enmity, lust, greed, arrogance, anger, despair, selfishness etcin mind, our prayers will never be answered. First, make sure that we are clean totally. If we become acceptable to God, only then our prayers will be accepted.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont be an occult mystic. Praying doesnt give you power and doesnt guarantee anything. Just because you pray doesnt mean all will be well. Its not magical. You must yield to your Gods will and wishes... right? Isnt that the point? Not the other way around

  • 1 decade ago

    PRAYER is the best armor in life`s journey...

    If we pray truly enough with our hearts i believe nothing considered as bad things strike us.

    We oftentimes blinfolded with our emotions so we see things differently.

    If you are going through a time of terrifying

    darkness and despair, or are plagued by doubts that

    are slowly eroding your hope that things can get

    better, I urge you to surrender it all to God;

    give Him full control of your life. It is the only

    way to live. Let HIM speak to our hearts...

    "Your weakness needs my strength and your safety lies in letting me fight

    for you. You did not come to this place by accident. You are exactly

    where I meant you to be. You were so busy that I could not get your

    attention and I wanted to teach you some of my greatest truths. The

    pain will leave you as soon as you learn to see me; in all things..."

  • 1 decade ago

    Because you are psychically attacking someone and so you yourself are doing something bad naturally bad things will happen as a result of doing bad things.

    When Christians pray either alone (those with a strong mind) or in groups, they can cause those they are trying to coerce into Christianity to have nightmares or feel confused. This is nothing more than plain psychic attack and it will eventually go away. Those of us who are strong in Satan are immune to it, although we can still pick it up, as most of us are psychic.

    Remember, Christians always use fear tactics in some way. Their negativity shows. They have thought energy like everyone else. Some of those fools will single a non-Christian out and hit him/her hard by having an entire congregation pray for him/her for a whole month- so much for their lies and hypocrisy concerning free will.

    I received a personal e-mail from someone who wrote that they were troubled by bad dreams and Christian thoughts. I picked up on this also, this is why I am writing. Azazel told me an Christian mass was said against this e-group.* Obviously we are really a threat. This always gives me more motivation.

    Remember, many of us become victims of Christian prayer. If you are ever feeling confused or distraught, just pray to Father Satan. Christians know they cannot post to the e-groups, but like they do with many other Satanic e-groups, they spy on us. **** them! We will win in the end. Father Satan will punish them.

    I am psychic and can always sense Christians. In time, when one becomes really strong in Satan and knowledgeable, the attacks will no longer have any effect. Knowledge defeats Christian lies. Knowledge is what you see for yourself every day- it requires no explanation or interpretation, it stands alone. The same thing with the planets revolving around the Sun; the earth is round- once you know this, no amount of lies or psychic attack will convince you the universe revolves around a flat earth. You know the truth. Also, you can ask your Demon for help to punish those deluded idiots.

    -High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

  • 1 decade ago

    Because we had never faith in our prayer,we underestimate our prayers.Some people say, prayer is just our last chance.Why just?It is the the word of underestimating the power of our prayer.

    Have a wisdom,for you to know what is really a prayer.

    If we are poor here on earth,we will be more than a rich in heaven.

  • Rock
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    because praying is not really effective. 50%happens to be good-50% happens to be bad

    and after if the 50% Good happens you blame it on God

    50% Bad- then you blame it on your self

    And yes their is one saying [praying might be effective]

    You Pray to god nothing happens

    You Pray to your Legs success happens

    Do things by yourself and don't think that your god will bend reality/ his plan for you


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because bad things happen to everyone. Read the book of Hebrews, it says that(not in those exact words of course). Read the book of Job, did he deserve what he got?

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