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Who is your God? and why do you call it your God?
20 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
hi thea, everybody agree that everything on earth has a name and of course you agree also even your dogs, cats, has a name right? Now the question is who is really the true God and what is his name? Many are called gods and their names are written in history like Apollo, Baal, Buddha, Jupiter, Isis, Horus but these gods are proven not a real god but their are products of deep imagination of man. In the christian book which called the Holy Bible,, God inspired his prophets to write down his name. Old and new testament attest to this fact and actually in the original version of the bible God let his name be written for more than 7000 times. Now if you want to attest to this get a King James Version of the Bible and please read to yourself the name of God. His name was mentioned by Moses at Genesis 6:3, at Isaiah 12:2 there also you can find his name and many more. Jesus, when he was preaching to his disciple, he said at John 17:6 "I have made your name known to the persons whom you gave me from the world" so clearly Jesus disciples were taught about the name of the true God his father. Jesus publicly acknowledge that his father is his God, and our God and father (please read John 20:17). When Jesus teach his disciple how to pray the first and foremost important to him partly he said at Mat. 6:9 "Our father in heaven hollowed be thy name (or sanctify your name)...." in this Jesus was stating that his father has a name and that name must be sanctified and be known as the true God. At John 17:3 Jesus plainly said to gain everlasting life God's worshippers must know God's name and his purpose and they must also have a clear knowledge about Jesus role in God's eternal purpose. So to summarize the God of Jesus is my God and as the apostles acknowledge at 1Cor 8:5-6 "there is only God one the Father (read Psalm 83:18). why is he my God simply because he is the creator of the heavens and the earth (Psalm 146:5)
Sorry, I do not mention here the name of my God because I want you to reaffirm to me by your e-mail after you read the biblical texts i mentioned the name of the true God, who is he, you can answer it already.
Source(s): Bible - That GuyLv 41 decade ago
My God is Science. My god can explain almost everything right now.
My god will soon know everything, and will be able to prove it.
Life's mysteries are what drives our imagination. I just prefer rational explanations work better for me than some dude in the sky made it so (and if he did... Well he did it rather poorly)
- 1 decade ago
Mine are the God and Godess.
Why, because I find a strong connection in wicca.
It "suits" me. The only thing I wonder is creation.
How? is my question
- thechief66Lv 51 decade ago
I do not believe in a god or gods. I control my actions, I determine right and wrong (and I believe that I have it down better than most people).
- turtleLv 41 decade ago
My God is the God of the Bible. I call Him my God because He is the only God, the creator of the universe and the savior of our souls.
- 1 decade ago
""I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. My God created laws that take care of that. His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking, but by immutable laws." -- Albert Einstein"
Yeah..... me too.
- 1 decade ago
my God is Jesus Christ. Because He loves me, and I enjoy fellowship with God almighty
- ☼ Linds ☼Lv 41 decade ago
My God is the God of the Bible also.
I call him God because He saved my soul &
Now i have a personal relationship with Him.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
God is my God and he is everyone's God