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Are you a sinner? What would you do about it?
20 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
First I would admit I sinned. Second I would ask for forgiveness not just from god but from those I sinned against. Then I would ask Jesus to help me and teach me to hear his voice. Then I would strive everyday to be like Jesus and do my all best live a clean and holy life. Finely most important, I will not be afraid to speak of my sins and how I was freed from them with others. God Bless
- Doc WatsonLv 71 decade ago
We are all with sin of some kind, both the religious and non-religious. Honestly, I've managed to rid myself of most of the sins that seem to come with youth. But by becoming a believer, I've tried to steer clear of sins that are against others and have done a pretty good job so far. I suppose my real sins are against myself. I smoke, although I know I shouldn't. I cuss (not at others but at my own mistakes). I still lust after an attractive woman who crosses my path and I worry way too much about the world around me.
- 1 decade ago
If I say I'm not a sinner than I make God out to be a liar.
And I pray for forgiveness.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I used to be...until I stopped listening to right-wing control freaks
I know there are those that believe that I am...but that doesn't make me a sinner. Nor do the words in a book.
If I am it's between me and "God" (whatever that is) and no one else.
- 1 decade ago
yes, everyone on the planet is. Romans 3:23 'for all have sinned and fallen short the Glory of God" I don't quite understand the second part.
- GreenLv 71 decade ago
No, I am not a sinner. SIn is an imaginary word, used to explain something that angers an imaginary being.
- 1 decade ago
My dear..everyone is born with mortal sin.........Sometimes we do not notice when we sin, depending on the extremety.But if so humans make mistake no human is perfect. If I do commit a very great sin, I ask for forgiveness. And try not to do it ever again......
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Why does anyone assume that everyone is a sinner? Isn't the word "sin" sort of reserved for the wicked?
Is EVERYONE wicked and evil?
I don't think so.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
We are all sinners. We all need to repent, daily.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Of course I am! Jesus died for our sins. If I don't sin, Jesus died in vain. How would I live with myself if I did that to the big J? It's almost an obligation.