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Most people love to go to Hawaii, can you think of reasons why you should NOT ? Effect on the environment etc?

If you fly to Hawaii, isn't it an irresponsible consumption of fuel/energy, difficult on the environment, etc? What are reasons you should NOT go to Hawaii ?


Thanks for the info from people citing reason why you want to go to Hawaii. That's not the question I asked.. only people answering my question will be eligible for "best answer." Please read and understand my question before posting. If you're not answering my question I just delete you.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Drug use especially, high theft rates and high burglary rates among TOURISTS. (especially in the Waikiki area. Just last yr, a tourist was killed by a man when he was punched in the head. He died instantly and was pronounced brain dead at the hospital.)

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think flying to Hawaii is irresponsible. The plane will come here whether or not you are on it.

    The traffic here is bad during rush hour, so try to do your traveling at non-peak hours. Always ask about the traffic from the locals when you get here so you know how to avoid it.

    The racism issue has been overblown by the media. Yes, there is some racism here like there is everywhere, but the few incidences we had were sensationalized. Some of the locals resent the tourists because they want Hawaii to themselves, or blame the tourists for the buildings and construction. But the great majority of the people are friendly.

    Anyway, I hope you decide to come here. It really is a beautiful place. One suggestion, though: Try to come during the summer months. The weather is the best then, since that is the sunniest time.

  • 1 decade ago

    traveling to and from hawaii does use up a lot of fuel and energy. just like traveling to and from anywhere in the world...even too and from work, unless you walk! non-renewable natural resources such as oil is being used to make the fuel. i assume that the exhaust or whatever comes out of the plain when the fuel is being burned is causing air pollution. affects on the environment...hmmm...maybe for the people that visit and never leave. they are contributing to over-population. a good example about over population and depletion of natural resources would be the story about "Te Pito O Te Henua"...aka..."Rapa Nui/Easter Island".

    here is a link to some information about Easter Island, their ecosystem and ecological disaster.

    Unfortunately the only way to get to and from Hawaii is to use fuel/energy irresponsibly. But hey, if you want to talk about using energy irresponsibly you should consider not owning a computer, walking where ever you go, cooking on an open fire with wood that can be found and grown easily, taking a shower with cold rainwater that you've collected, etc. almost everything you do now days can be considered an irresponsible way to consume the clothes you are wearing. i wonder how much resources they had to use to make that?

    this is a fun question, it helps me think about things...i am currently taking Introduction to Ecology in college and these are the kinds of things we talk about.

    good luck with what seems like research for a paper. aloha!

    Source(s): maui girl living in washington state...flying is the only way for me to get home...i wish i could just click my heels!
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    This is an interesting question. I don't think I've thought of the issue from this perspective yet. I would have to say that arguing over whether it's natural or unnatural is pointless. The fact is that it's happening. Why not do something about it if we can? It is true that we are living in a warm, interglacial period and that the climate has been warming for many centuries now. However, if humans are contributing as much as scientists think they are, wouldn't it be better to stop arguing about it and try and change it? The effects of global warming are going to be huge, even if they do occur over a long timescale. Essentially, by helping ease the effects of global warming, we're ensuring that we, as a species, will continue to live on this planet. It's not so much a question of natural versus unnatural as it is one about whether we should feel morally obligated to change it if we can, regardless of what the cause is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe the best thing to do is make it a long vacation. Fly to Hawaii and stay a week or two, instead of (maybe) making two short vacations over a couple of years.

    Everybody affects the environment everyday. It should not stop you from taking a vacation.

    As far as the locals go, it helps to be respectful of the culture. Also, stay away from places that don't look safe. Most crimes occur late at night. Have fun during the day, get home at a decent hour and everything should be fine.

    One more tip: if you're going sightseeing, don't bring all your valuables. They are safer in the hotel. Thieves preying on visitors usually pop the car trunk, knowing that they carry all their valuables with them.

  • Anna P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, it does take extra energy, so perhaps that's a reason. Plus, the problem of invasive species--we now have the bee mite that may have destroyed most of the mainland US farmed bee hives. Also, people who hike irresponsibly can spread invasive plants and disturb native plants that are trying to get hold in the area. That's why we are moving to more sustainable tourism (trying at least). When you come, stay longer!!

  • Field
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    people love hawaii reasons effect environment

  • 1 decade ago

    nope, I can't think of a reason not to visit hawaii! I've heard some of the negativs, but my daughter and i are taking my 2 grandsons for a week in November- all of our first time- and we intend to have a fabulous time. We're also really nice people, so hopefully, we won't have a problem with the "locals"- and we've always lived in tourist cities s we know what it's like!

    Source(s): Lived in San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, Las Vegas and Nashville
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you go to Hawaii, you have to remember to be extremely nice to the locals... If you talk to them at all. I live here and it hasn't been the most pleasant experience. They do not like all of the travelers and especially the military. We witnessed one blatantly threaten one of my husbands co-workers in the Army, telling her she is lucky he didn't know she was Army, or he would've messed up purposely on her tattoo. There are also numerous area's we won't drive through because of the reputation.

    The beach area is very pretty, but be wary when you start traveling all around.

    Source(s): Personal knowledge and interactions with others.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you dont go waikiki you will see the true Oahu and you might find many reasons.

    - there are no clean fresh water streams on Oahu (all trashed).

    -racist against white cracka stupid haoles.

    -racist agains californians (i hate them)


    -angry violent mokes

    -you will get scammed on at least one thing you buy.

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