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Rachael T asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

I want to get a sun conure. Know any good websites? or anything I need to know?

I just fell in love with a sun conure. I would like to know more, so when I get it I'm ready. Its still a baby so how can I tell the sex?, what will it eat?, temperament? Things like that. Thanks


I saw it at Petsmart. They told me alot about it, and aslo said it was still a baby. I just want to know anything and everything about them so I can take the best care of it.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I breed these guys. 1st know they are the loudest decimal scream in all the parrot species. So, if your in a Condo or Apt forget it. Second, with experience you can tell them apart without sexing (getting their DNA). If you wanted their DNA I go to Avian Biotech its only $20.00.Third they are not a family parrot, they will pick one owner. They are very smart and can speak. Their intelligence is comparable to a 7year old. So, in that their Brats too, lol. They do best on a Pellet Diet, Fresh Fruits and Veggies. Keep in mind they get protective to the one they own as they get older.I love these guys their a lot of fun and easy..But very Loud!!! Very Very Loud and Piercing!

    Source(s): 30 yrs Avian Exp/Sun Conure Hobbyist
  • Oni
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    To the best of my knowledge, sun conures are not sexually dimorphic. That means you can't tell what sex they are just by looking at them. You'd have to get a DNA test to know that. That tests usually runs about $60.

    Anytime you purchase a new bird, you have to do your research on them. Make sure you know everything you can possibly get your hands on before bringing the bird into your life. Here's what I know about sun conures, as I've handled over ten of them.

    Sun conures are sweet and playful, but can be a little bit demanding and moody at times. When they're moody, they're known to nip. Speaking of nipping, you should know that having a parrot means that at some point you're going to be bitten. Hard. With blood. It's destined to happen no matter how close you and the parrot are, so be prepared for that. It won't mean he/she doesn't love you anymore. Do yourself a favor and look up the reasons why birds bite.

    A healthy diet for a sun conure is a diet of pellets and bird friendly fresh foods. Seeds should only be offered as a treat- a millet spray or two or a few Nutriberries a week should be all the seed that he/she gets.

    Sun conures, in spite of their small size, are very LOUD. If you live in an apartment, this might not be the right bird for you... unless you have really thick walls or your neighbors are deaf.

    Petsmart... eh... I never recommend getting a bird from a pet store of any kind. If the staff seemed knowledgeable and not just like they were BSing you so you'd purchase the parrot, and if the cage seemed clean and the parrot seemed happy then go ahead. If not, you'd be doing the parrot population a favor by just walking away. You don't want to give them money for mistreating animals, because even though you've "saved" that one, another will take it's place and the company doesn't learn its lesson. Just keep that in mind.

    You will also have to make sure that you have enough time for a parrot. They are demanding little critters, and you will need to provide them with at least four hours a day of attention and time out of the cage. You'll also have to train them to step up (control commands) and what "no" means. A parrot is a commitment. Be sure you can do it. Be sure you can afford everything he/she needs. Don't skimp. Make sure you can afford vet bills in case the parrot gets sick, and that there is a proper avian vet in your area.

    A sun conure will need a fairly large cage and lots of toys to keep him/her happy. For further information, see the link below.

    If you find that you can meet all of this bird's needs, then I wish you the best of luck! I wish you happiness with your new bird. ^_^


    To Joe N- Not all breeders and small pet stores will tell you not to purchase from Petsmart or PetCo just because they're "mad" at losing money. I'm glad that the Petsmarts and PetCos in your area are well kept, but have you ever stepped into one where the conditions the animals were in was just awful? I have. I've been in all kinds of pet stores where the animals are visibly sick and poorly cared for, and the owner/manager/employees couldn't care less. The PetCo north of me is disgusting. The PetCo west of me is excellent.

    It varies from store to store. Some are really good, and some are REALLY bad. By going to a reputable breeder, one can be sure that their parrot has been well cared for, healthy, and as a result probably happy.

    Also, most times when purchasing a bird from Petsmart or PetCo, you're going to spend a lot more money on the bird than if you went to a reputable breeder. That too will vary by area and from breeder to breeder.

    In your area, the pet stores might be the place to go. In many areas, that's just not the case.

    Source(s): Midwest Bird and Exotic Animal Hospital Proud owner of four parrots. Three years volunteering at an avian shelter.
  • 1 decade ago

    YouTube is by far the best first stop to research a new pet. Watch as many videos as you can stand before you get a sun.

    Note: Parrots can be tamed and bond extremely well with humans through imprinting and operant conditioning but they are wild by nature (unlike dogs who have been bred by people and tamed by people for thousands of generations)

    Sun Conures and all other parrots are very unpredictable and require a lot of training and attention in order to be fit as pets. They are sweet when young but will often go through several aggression phases as they mature, especially during puberty (2-3years old).

    Keep in mind that your sun conure will need at least one hour of real personal contact and interaction a day to stay mentally healthy.

    Owning a bird is a lifestyle. It will change your life. It's time consuming but beautiful if you are up for the challenge.

    See my video at

    PetSmart birds are generally great. I got mine from PetCo and he's just fine. Small breeders and petshops will tell you that big stores sell bad animals but they are just mad cause they are losing business to the bigger stores. If the bird is tame and healthy then that means PetCo has done a fine job raising it.

    Feed it pellets. Use seeds only as treats when training or rewarding.

    You can not tell the sex of a Sun Conure until puberty when it either tries to build a nest or tries to make love to your hand. You can get DNA sexing done now if you want but it's not always accurate.

    Good Luck

    Source(s): I am an assistant Bird Trainer at Knoxville Zoo Bird Show I live with and love a 3 year old Sun Conure from PetCo
  • 1 decade ago

    I would find an avian veterinarian in your area and ask for the name of a breeder. Also there are bird shows where you can meet with breeders and purchase a baby.

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