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Is Swine Flu just another consequence of NAFTA?

Ground Zero is a pig farm in Mexico owned by a parent company in the US. The multi-national corporations that have left the states to go abroad to escape the more stringent laws of the US have created this mess. Thank you George HW and slick Willy for signing over our souls to the highest multi-national bidder. Is there any wonder that seed sales are up almost 20%. This is what happens when the lines of government and industry become blurred.

I am officially rename this NAFTA FLU!!!


Interesting answers. But most of you are missing the point. Before NAFTA we did not have huge manufacturing pig farms in 3rd world countries now we do! So cross every border you want but when you contaminate the s out of something it usually results in sickness. regardless of where it is.

How is this a conspiracy? The proof is in front of your face you choose to spin it! The majority of the people here got it from visiting Mexico not from illegals crossing our border. I get all of that. But If that pig farm were here don't you think our gov would have had a better handle on this? We found the farm with mad cow disease in less than 2 days.

Update 2:

Who is pointing blame at a race? I am saying it is the multi-nationalist corporations looking for cheap labor. Yeah high five speedy recovery this goes beyond swine flu. God willing nobody in your utopian community gets this. World improvers = World impoverished! Open your Mind!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it could be a consequence of NAFTA. Any time a company moves to a third world country or another country which has fewer laws involving the care of or the manufacturing of food, any thing can happen, but;

    Here is my response to another question, which could be an answer to this also.

    Conspiracy theory 101:

    To take over a country one must do any number of things in preparation.

    1. Gain control of finances. This is a must.

    2. Get people into prominent positions in government. Must be at all levels.

    3. Create many minor problems and at least one major difficulty. This could be tax problems, banks and businesses failing, minor outbreaks of disease, anger the smallest group of dissenters, and war.

    4. Declare martial law. This takes more major problems, an epidemic or pandemic, nationwide riots, uprisings by militant groups.

    5. After martial law is imposed, keep the turmoil going and declare a police state and yourself as supreme ruler, and void any freedom, rights and liberty.

    Sound familiar? This has happened several times in history, Germany, Italy, Yugoslavia, England, the British American Colonies, France and others.

    It is happening again today, as I see it. The attempt is being made and has been in the making since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed. This allowed a private bank to gain control of our money and the rest fell into place a step at a time as to not alert the general public to the takeover.

    The steps have been completed except for the last two. They may be next! I am guessing this will start being put into force within the next few months and martial law will be imposed shortly after the first of the year to eliminate the elections of 2010. The last step will come before the 2012 election, which will not be held.

    Think about it! Could this also be a causation of this non-pandemic, non-epidemic?

  • 1 decade ago

    No its Obama's fault. Let me explain. Everyone used to say a black man would be president when pigs fly. 100 days after he's elected swine flu.

    But to actually answer your question, trade or no trade millions of Mexicans have crossed our border because its not secure. There is no way for us to prevent the spread of a virus from Mexico to the US.

    Source(s): A joke
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Indirectly, yes. NAFTA is robbing the physical economy of the world. The world is going to be less and less able to deal with disease outbreaks as society continues to break down. There are millions of starving people in Mexico, and they are particularly vulnerable to disease. NAFTA should be abolished and "fair trade" policies should be implemented immediately. We should enter into joint infrastructure plans with Mexico, China, Russia, India, Africa and others, in order to develop the physical economy of the world. We must abandon windmills and solar panels and begin construction of hundreds of fourth-generation nuclear power plants around the world. NAFTA and free-trade are the modern variants of British colonialism and imperialism. It is time to free ourselves and the third world from the grip of tyranny.

    To the poster above, the preservation of national sovereignty is essential to ensure the survival of civilization. If the empire has its way, over 80% of us will die, and the development of civilization will be artificially curtailed, in order to maintain our servitude. Africa is the best example of this. They are little more than a colony, with no real infrastructure to function as a souvereign nation-state.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No~Naftu is not the cause of the swine flu``it is a trade agreement that

    is all~~it cost the US a lot of jobs and now the US has lost control of the

    borders~~but swine flu is just a virus~~causd by some boy drinking water

    contaminated with pig juice

  • 1 decade ago

    Nationalism is the beginning of the end of our planet. NAFTA is not to blame... it is a virus which was able to 'jump' from swine to people and then from person to person.

    Instead of harboring anger, can't we wish for a speedy recovery of anyone - regardless of their nationality instead of pinning blame?

    I know I do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually it was Clinton that signed the Republican written NAFTA bill. NAFTA sounded good but did not pay out like Ross Perot warned us.

  • W.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Swine flu is a consequence of the 24 hour news cycle blowing everything out of proportion and manufacturing a crisis that is 99 percent bullshit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Swine Flu snuck across the border, from Canada with the other conspiracy theorists.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. It's a friggen virus spread by people! Illegal Mexicans come over here all the time. Do you think that illegal Mexicans just decided to come here after NAFTA was signed just because?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the "swine flu" is caused by chemtrails

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