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2) The ratio of Josie's age to Jose's age is 5:7. In how many years will their age be in the ratio of 4:5?

2) The ratio of Josie's age to Jose's age is 5:7. In how many years will their age be in the ratio of 4:5?

Please show me the solution..Thanks to all.


Thanks Lidiya but I need to know how many years...Let me see an example..

Update 2:

Lidiya, IMM, Jun and Sathit thanks a lot. All of you are correct but Jun is a lot more detailed. You know, accountants are really not good in Math, hehe. Thanks again.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. of years (x):

    5(5 + x) = 4(7 + x)

    25 + 5x = 28 + 4x

    x = 3

    Answer: 3 years


    = (5 + 3) is to (7 + 3)

    = 8 is to 10

    = 8/2 is to 10/2

    = 4 is to 5

  • 1 decade ago

    In 3 years they will be 8 and 10 that will be 4:5

  • 1 decade ago

    If josie now is 5 and Jose is 7, in the next 3 years Josie will be 8 and Jose will be 10. It means the ratio will be 4/5.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago




  • 5 years ago

    i think of it truly is a sturdy concept to deliver your toddler to preschool. discovering is significant, even though it is likewise significant for toddlers to have interplay with different young toddlers their own age. those years are the years that truly make a distinction in how they act whilst they are older. If the youngster turns into too related to you and reliant on you, they could have quite a few difficulty whilst they are older. beginning kindergarten could additionally be no longer common on your toddler in the event that they don't seem for use to enjoying and sharing with different toddlers. make useful that the preschool isn't too tutorial nonetheless. there's no longer plenty a 2/3 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous can learn and that's significant that they get playtime with different toddlers.

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