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Is this a crime ?

Some girl at my school says she is charging me and my friend with 'falsifying a life'. We basically told her she didn't have a son (which she doesn't) so she's charging us with that. Is 'falsifying a life' a crime?

Also, do teens have the same rights as adults, as in the Bill of Rights? She told us we had NO rights as teens (she was talking about the Bill of Rights.

(she's an 18 year old junior and I'm a 15 year old sophomore and my friend is a 16 year old junior)



Monstrar, I try she's in my science class.

It's like we told her she doesn't have a son, and she's charging us with saying that lol.

Update 2:

And if you didn't know, I live in the USA.

Update 3:

I forgot to add the :( to 'she's in my science class.' haha

Update 4:

No no. Jay Sean, SHE told other people she has a son. We stood up to her and told her she doesn't. And she really doesn't

9 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    To my knowledge I've never heared of any law and I don't see how they could charge you with it even if it was because a lot of the more broke down areas and ghetto's have many fights over child birth (I don't know why out of all subjects they could fight over or that's how it is around here). You'll be fine and you have all of your constitutional rights from the day you're born to the day you die

  • Tom S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    She's trying to invent a crime. There is no crime here.

    Even if you do "invent a life" and pretend to be a "movie star, or another person living other situations" it is not a crime, unless you start acting out the other person's life. That is you start signing legal documents, or legally posing as another person. That is a crime. It's called identity theft.

    But coming up with a "pretend or falsified life" with "pretend situations" is not a crime. If it were, all actors would be criminals.

  • oh my!
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    how do you know she doesn't have a son? There are many students with children in my school.

    she also may have a disorder of some kind. I remember a couple of years ago in middle school I sat next to a girl who talked and talked about her twin sister. She didn't have one. It wasn't that she was trying to look for attention, that was just her mental state.

    what i'm getting at is be polite and don't say anything.

    1. No one can sue you for this. (unless you go around school saying she's insane or 'retarded' that's defamation of character)

    2. You do have rights. Although your rights are taken away when you walk onto school grounds. For example: you can't scream obscenities at your teachers or carry a weapon. Also your rights end where another student's begins: you can't carry a sign that says "I hate fags" in school.

    you can't buy a gun, you can't drink alcohol, no cigs, can't vote, join the armed forces, drive a car (to a certain extent), or live on your own without parental consent.

    I think I got most of them.

    the moral of the story is

    "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all"

    -thumper's mom

  • 1 decade ago

    Being an 18 year old junior should be a crime.

    Source(s): attorney
  • 1 decade ago

    I laughed out loud when I read this! No there is no such thing. Just stay as far away from her as possible. Probably mentally ill and she will probably rip your head off next.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats the dumbest **** ive ever heard, u dont think cops have better $hit to do than to listen some dumb bit¢h and ur dumb if u believed her

    Source(s): Next time she threatens u call her bluff and tell her to call the cops tell her u will even dial the number for her
  • 1 decade ago

    Lying to her is a crime. Lying about her is sometimes a crime. Lying about her to her... no charge at all. If you told other people that she has a son, that's a crime.

    And yeah, kids have the same rights, but only if your parents agree So basically, your rights are your parents opinions..

  • What the hell?

    That girl is demented.

    Seriously. Forget the "crime" that's not even real. Stay away from her.

    Edit: =/ Try to ignore her the best that you possibly can.

  • 1 decade ago


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