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Jamie. asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

how can i stand up for myself?

there's this girl *morgan in my math class. she sits infrom of me.

today i was putting my calculator away and on the way back i kicked my friends foot in a playing way. then the guy sitting next to my friend tried to trip me(again playing). this girl *morgan says something like, "stop messing with him and go sit down!"(as in my friend who i kicked) i didn't hear or understand what she said. i was already going to my seat and when i sat down i realized what she said to me.

when i sat down, i said, "i just love how you think you can tell me what to do." she said back, "and i love how you listened." i almost got up and smacked her fat *** mouth. i looked at her(she couldn't see me) like, wtf did you just say?

she does something to piss me off almost everyday in class. what can i say to make her shut her fat *** mouth? and don't say, "be the bigger person and ignore her." because that will make me look like a pussy.


* means name has been changed.

and the last word is p-ssy

Update 2:

i don't think i'll be able to kiss her ***. i'm not that kind of person. i mean something to say to her

Update 3:

i forgot to add, she isn't going out with my friend. I've been best friends with him for 3 years and she's known him for 2 months so i would know

Update 4:

oh i know she doesn't like him. i've been friends with him for 3 years and she's known him for 3 months.

anyways, she's a squabop(girls who go down low, if you know what i mean lol) and my friend is the guy who has had one girlfriend and isn't really cute. so yeah...

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think she's jealous of you (because you're awesome, haha) or she likes your friend.

    i'm not tryinggg to say "be the bigger person" but honestly, sometimes the best thing to do is just not to say anything. if she tells you to do something (ex. stop flirting with *insert name here*). just grin like "i'm gorgeous, you're a whore". lol.

    don't totally ignore her, just stop talking to her. if you don't say anything to her she won't have anything to respond to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, I am 23 years old and have been through the school years. For some reason, this girl likes to pick on you and/or get a rise out of you. Do you really care what she thinks? I know you think it makes you sound like a wuss, but really, she wins if you let her get to you. The more upset you get and the more you react to what she says, the more she gets what she wants. Why do you think she picks on you in the first place? To get a rise out of you! She's one of those insecure people that feels better about herself by bringing others down. I'm not saying not to stand up for yourself, just do it in a smart, calm, mature manner. I would ignore her as much as you can, but if you must react, come up with a witty response... Make sure you're not setting yourself up for her to win. For example, by saying "I love how you think you can tell me what to do," you gave her the perfect opportunity to say what she did, since you did happen to sit down after she said it. You can practice witty responses with your friends or maybe ask advice from some of your witty friends, because I do agree that if you don't stand up for yourself, she won't respect you. You might also try talking to her after class, privately, and tell her, nicely how you feel. That you have done nothing to deserve the way she treats you and you do not appreciate the disrespect and that if she wants respect from others, then she, herself needs to practice it. Just make sure that whatever response you have that it is constructive, otherwise you are just lowering yourself to her level. Don't do any name calling or anything like that, because that will get you nowhere.

  • Wow, she seems about as pleasent as a rattle snake.

    What you should do is give her smart insulting asnwers back and try and act like it doesn't really bother you. Once she realizes she isn't getting the responses she wants, she might weaken and even stop.

    Just remember, smart answers :}

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i was picked on for yrs by a girl in my RE class. the cheeky cow tried to add me on FB lots of times. like i wanna be her friend. i have one regret, that i didn't batter her. believe me there were times when she was pulling my hair, kicking my chair. but i just didn't hit her. try and get her on her own and frighten the sh** outta her. good luck :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well just simple say non-threateningly

    "You can't talk to me like that. Your not in charge of me and i'm not gonna sit her and act like i'm okay with you. So don't talk to me like that again."

    You can add some violent stuff within that sentence if you want. x]

  • 1 decade ago

    i would say really loudly in class "so morgan i saw your mom in the drug store yesterday buying headlice treatment, please dont come near me because i really dont want them", even if she denys it the rumour still starts hahahahah evil

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    beat the **** out of her(: thats what i would do; even if im in 8th grade(:

  • 1 decade ago

    just curse her out. or beat the sh*t outta her.

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah id just tell her off one good time like wtf is your problem bitc*

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