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Lv 6
Jamie. asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

how long will my cartilage piercing hurt for?

i've had my cartilage pierced for one year. it STILL hurts to sleep on. will it ever stop hurting? and i have had my belly button pierced for 3 months and i could sleep on my stomach after 3 days. i got it done at claire's and i'm wondering if that has to do with it.

so why does it still hurt after a year?



it's not infected.

Update 2:

haha i might have exaggerated a little. maybe after a week i could sleep on it. some where around there

Update 3:

there's no crust. it's just... sore? idk it only hurts when i sleep on it. it doesn't even hurt anymore when i bang something against it.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cartilage piercings can take up to a year to fully heal. However, it does seem weird that it still hurts. Coming from a 16 year old, I think it might be the fact that you got it done at Claire's. I got one of my two cartilage piercings done with a gun and that one took much longer to heal than the one with a needle.

    I'm so jealous that you could sleep on your stomach after 3 days! I could barely wear a shirt for a week after I got my belly button pierced. lol.

  • anon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i got my cartilage pierced in two places at claires (had to stretch it to be bigger, i was being cheap about getting my industrial lol) and its been a few months and it still has a bit of pain when touched, but not as severe as at first... its weird that it still hurts...

    is there crust? what color?

    i know it sounds gross, but thats actually a big sign of seeing how your peircing is doing.. if its red scabs then its still bleeding slightly, if its a bright yellow or green thats a sign of infection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe its infected

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