Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

Lv 6
? asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo MailAbuse and spam · 1 decade ago

I have received a threatening email from an answers member, how can I complain?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Find how to open the headers of the email, and look for the IP address that comes after "Received from". Paste that IP address into a whois IP search, and forward the email to there ISP along with a full copy of the headers.

    To report content in violation of Answers Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, go to the page where the abusive question or answer appears, and click the "Report Abuse" link associated with it. To report abuse that does not appear in the question or answer (such as harassment, obscene avatars, etc), please indicate it in the Additional Details box provided on the Report Abuse form after clicking the link.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's what you have to do:

    1. Forward the message to the Answers Team at this address: The subject "Harassing email from another user." Be sure you give them the details of the message.

    2. Go to their profile and click Block; this will keep them from trolling through your posted content and harass all your friends and contacts.

    Warning: You must never respond back to the abuser and harass them, or you'll risk exposing yourself to a violation that can result in the permanent suspension of your Answers account. Just report the matter to the Answers Team, and allow them-along with Customer Care-to take care of the problem for you. That's just it.

  • Lyn G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Send it to:

    Report abuse to Customer care:

    Address for reporting abuse from Yahoo accounts is

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