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How do I do this on Photoshop?

I've tried everything, I dunno how to do this on Photoshop. Can you help me?

The circles..

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello there.


    so you know this design element is refered to as "Bokeh"

    here are links to several tutorialsthat walk you thru the process.

    hope they help,


    Source(s): myself
  • 1 decade ago

    An easier way in my opinion is after creating the colored circles you desire on a new layer, at the top of the layers palette there's a drop down menu that has Normal as the default, it's the blending modes for the layer, select soft light and next to that is where you control opacity, change to desired setting if need be.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Create new layer => right click on Rectangle Tool (default) Select Ellipse Tool => Hold Shift, Left Mouse + Drag to create even circle. Control + Enter to highlight path. On the same layer select FX or f (effects) => Gradient Overlay and tweak to your own preference.

    Email me if you need help -

    Source(s): web designer
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