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Ray A asked in Arts & HumanitiesGenealogy · 1 decade ago

Question about family tree.?

Ok. So me and my sister are having a argument about this. Ok so my cousin that i have now has another child (girl) that also has another child (girl and boy) . Would they all still count as a part of the family and my cousins as well? Sorry if there is any confusion.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    A child of a cousin is a cousin. There are different degrees, but a cousin is a cousin is a cousin.

    There are 2 ways of determining a second cousin (or third or fourth, etc.)


    A cousin is a person with whom you share grandparents.

    A second cousin is a person with whom you share great-grandparents.

    A third cousin is a person with whom you share great-great-grandparents.


    If your cousin has a child, that child is considered to be a second cousin (a cousin is the same generation as yourself; a second cousin in either method is one generation removed). If that second cousin has a child, that child would be a third cousin (2 generations removed).

    NOTE: We count generations, not the year a person was born. I am the youngest child my parents had; they were each the youngest child of their parents. My youngest first cousin is more than 20 years older than I, but each was a grandchild of my grandparents.

    Source(s): life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As I understand it,

    Your first cousin, Anna, has a child. Call that child Barbara. Barbara has two children, Carol and Charles.

    You and Barbara are first cousins once removed, because Barbara is one generation removed from you.

    When (if) you have children, they will be second cousins to Barbara.

    You and Carol and Charles are first cousins twice removed, because they are two generations removed from you. When (if) you have GRANDchildren, those grandchildren will be third cousins to Carol and Charles.

    "Part of the family" depends on how often you see them, eat dinner at each other's house, send Christmas and Birthday gifts, etc. etc. They are your cousins, by any definition, but not close ones.

    I won't even try to explain when you use "my sister and I" and when you use "my sister and me". If you haven't learned proper English by now, you never will. Sorry. You probably have other gifts. I'd bet you could install a new clutch, for instance, something I have to pay a man to do, even if my grammar is impeccable.

  • Tina
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, assuming that the cousin that ‘you have now’ is your first cousin, her child would be your first cousin once removed and the children of that child would be first cousins twice removed to you and your sister.

    Now, if you and your sister have children like your cousin does they are second cousins to each other.

    Here is how it works.

    The children of siblings are 1st cousins.

    The children of 1st cousins are 2nd cousins.

    The children of 2nd cousins are 3rd cousins.

    Most people don’t understand the removes, to determine that you determine how many generations away on the family tree the person is from the common ancestor.

    Maybe one of these charts will help.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If I'm reading your question right you are asking if your cousins grandchildren would be considered part of your family. Yes they would. If your cousin is your first cousin (you share a grandparent) Then her grandchildren would be your first cousins twice removed

  • Ashley
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The child of your first cousin (girl) is your first cousin once removed.

    The children of your first cousin once removed (girl and boy) are your first cousins twice removed.

    Yes, they are all your cousins and a part of your family.

  • 1 decade ago

    If your cousin is the child of your aunt and uncle, then in the U.S. at least the terminology is that your cousin is your 1st cousin. His/her child is your 1st cousin once removed. The children of his children are you 1st cousins twice removed. See how that works?

    Now your children and the children of your 1st cousin are 2nd cousins. Your children would be 2nd cousins once removed to the children of their 2nd cousin, and so forth.

    Your grandchildren and the grandchildren of your 1st cousin would be 3rd cousins, and so forth.

    In modern America it really comes down to how close your family is as to whether or not you consider yourselves "related" past a certain point. There is no stigma associated with 2nd cousins that marry, for example, whereas there still is a certain amount of incestuous stigma associated with 1st cousins that marry. People who are 3rd, 4th or 5th cousins don't always consider themselves to be related, and in fact many of us don't even know an honest-to-goodness 4th cousin.

  • 1 decade ago

    If i am understanding you question a Genealogists would not include a cousin in to Pedigree Chart for your direct family. However, if it is an extended pedigree chart then siblings and their children are included.So it depends on they type of Pedigree Chart your are preparing. Usually Siblings and their families are addresses in Family Group Sheets.

    Source(s): Genealogical researcher 35+ years
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