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Ray A asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

How to lose weight but build muscles?

Hi. I am looking into joining a sport for my sophomore year. I will be 15 this coming summer and i am looking forward to trying out for football for fall season. Wrestling for winter season. Tennis for Spring season. I need a good advices on how to lose weight and to build muscles these next few months. I don't have gym membership YET but looking into it. I do keep track of my calorie intake and what food i eat. Any other tips?

BTW I'm 14 years old right now. 5"4' and im also 168 in weigh and 30% in body fat..

Any help is appreciated :).

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a FANTASTIC website is they have so much info i've learned a lot from them.

    ok the link the 1st person posted is basicly nothing. and as for the second one he's right and wrong. you can do it that way but you can also lose weight before you bulk up. it may just be harder to gain more muscle, but some people view it as better because then they're smaller at least. Anyway my advice would be to do something everyday. even if it's small. because if you do something everyday then the calories you burn, and the rate your metabolism is raised is up a little bit every day. i'm not saying you need to be a bodybuilder but you should start off with a weight lifting plan of 3 or 4 times a week. depending on what you want to do. how you train is how you look. and each sport is different. if your training for football i'd say train like a bodybuilder and do certain muscles on certain days. for example i do monday: chest, tuesday: abs and back, wednesday bi's, tri's, and shoulder's, thursday: abs and back, friday legs and anything that's not sore. and sometimes abs again on saturday. however when i started out (my feshmen year of high school) i was working just upper body monday and wednesday and lower body tuesday and thursday (and sometimes friday i'd do upper body again). there's a difference in which type of muscle you want to build, there's lean and they're dense to put it simply. if you want to lose weight and gain muscle like you say then you have to make a workout that is right for you and what you have time for. if you do upper lower upper lower then try this workout

    monday and wednesday:

    flat bench press 3x6 (3 sets of 6)

    chest flys (3 sets of 8)

    bicep curls or concentration curls or 21's (3 sets of 8) (unless doing 21s)

    tricep pull downs or tricep extensions (3 sets of 8)

    shoulder press (3 sets of 8)

    and then you can look up more moves if you want

    tuesday and thursday:

    squats (3 sets of 6)

    lunges( 3 sets of 10 each leg)

    calf raises (3 sets of 15 each leg)

    step ups with weights (3 sets of 10 each leg)

    t-bar row (3 sets of 8)

    seated row (3 sets of 8)

    and abs every other day

    the reason i do squats and bench press in sets of 6 is because they both work major and multiple muscles and your going for weight when you do them in order to work them the most. you can mix and match each day but never work the same muscle two days in a row (unless it's not sore AT ALL). if you do you risk injury and hurting yourself.

    also try walking every other day, however weight lifting speeds up your metabolism and should be your main priorety over cardio. you'll get A LOT of cardio in all your sports. however if you want some then look up HIIT (high intensity interval training) on google.

    and above all else diet is the most important thing. you want to look and feel and do better. you need to eat better. if you eat like crap you'll look feel and perform like crap.

    sorry i no that's a lot of information but it's all good stuff.

    Source(s): bodybuilding for 4 years. amateur power lifter.
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Build Mega Muscle Faster -
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm 14 too and as much as we'd all like to loose weight in just TWO weeks.... it's not going to happen. I suggest because of your weight and because you're just starting, don't push yourself!! =) Go out running and when you're bored at home do some push ups for muscle and sit ups to gain muscle and work out your core. Eat salads and healthy foods, try and exterminate anything bad from your health, mainly fast food because if you eat those kinds of foods while exercising then the exercises won't affect your body in any way. BASIC ROUTINE (for me): 50 high kicks (per leg so 100 total) 20-25 sit ups 25-50 push ups then a break and another 25-50 but you can chose to do however many you want. Stretching, this is really good for you because you lose tension in your muscles. Hope I helped ! =D

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dont try to loose weight before you build muscle. You always have to bulk up first and then lift to turn it into muscle. After you are as big as you want then you can worry about losing body fat.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should lift weights thrice a week and finish each session with 20-30 min of cardio. Also keep your diet straight but make sure you eat enough protein.

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