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Undetectable IP Address?

My email was recently hacked, when I went to Yahoo Mail Options under view recent activity I saw there that my email was accessed but not by me, but the IP address is unknown.

I just want to know how is it that the IP address seems "masked" or undetectable? how did the hacker do it? wherein the system cannot determine or see what is the IP Address used

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hi Monique.

    I'm not sure what happened though my best guess is that it was a system glitch or the system failed to log the IP.

    The reason for this answer is because of the nature of the Internet Protocol (IP). The IP is the standard for internet communication between two network points. You simply cannot connect to another computer through the internet without an IP address.

    Also, in regards to the fellow 'hackers' answer, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) WILL NOT result in an undetectable IP address. Every VPN has it's own IP address that will show up in logs if a user was using it to hide his/her identity. Owners of VPN's when asked by law enforcement officials are required to give up their own access logs if a user is suspected of hiding behind their VPN for illegal activity.

    If an attacker compromised your Yahoo Mail, they would have most likely used a proxy, vpn, or other service such as TOR to hide their identity though an IP would in normal cases still be logged.

    I hope that makes sense.

    Source(s): I work in IT Security.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The hacker would have used a VPN server to do this which is virtually undetectable if its set up correctly...the Ip used would most likely have come from a VPN server in happens a lot...but hey..privacy is not a crime...

    Source(s): Experience
  • 10 years ago

    This person most likely used a proxy server. Proxy servers act as intermediates and can mask IP addresses as well as other computer information.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Being a hacker myself, I can tell you this.

    The person who got a hold of you was not using a Proxy server, but was using a VPN server.

    VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, it's fully undetectable by anyone unless they are very skilled and can get through it.

    Change your password. :p

  • 10 years ago

    kind of obvious. hello wannabe hacker. to be annoying and perfectly legal. i'll say.

    yes. of course ips can be blocked.

    ....well, i'm not sure how.

    good luck protecting your account using firewalls and other legal protective measures.

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