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What does IP Address Conflict mean?

I opened my computer this morning and found this Yellow Triangle with Exclamation Point Icon on the lower right corner beside the clock it said: "Windows-System Error there is an IP Address conflict with another system on the network"

What does this mean and how can I resolve it?

Where did this error come from?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    TCP/IP is the language or protocol that computers use to speak to each other. Think of it as a mailbox. Each and every computer on a network needs to have a unique IP address or mailbox otherwise you could not send data to anyone else. If you are given an IP address that already exists on the network, you will be blocked from accessing the network. This is because if two mail boxes are the same, your network will never know where to send the data to, or where it comes from.

    These days, you usually only get this error when someone manually types in an IP address and then you get assigned the same one automatically.

    There are other technical factors but for all intents and purposes, the quick fix is a reboot so that you can get a new one assigned.

    As I don’t have any more details as to your domain structure, if a reboot does not solve it, speak to your tech guys so that they can find the offending machine.

    If you are a home user, your Static IP addresses need to be looked at or the DHCP device (usually your modem) needs a reboot as well. This does sometimes happen when the router is rebooted and clears its cache and assigns a used address to a second machine but without more info I can’t be sure.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    it means your computer is in contact with another computer basically... to resolve the problem

    go through your computer diagnostics and it will automatically fix it for you by resetting your network adapter... if you have wireless.. Also you can manually just click reset on your network adapter..

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