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Tracing IP address location?

Somebody sent me a life-threatening email and I want to find out the EXACT location of the IP address the email was sent using a yahoo email address I want to know the exact address (no. street name etc) where the computer was sending out this email - is there any way to do this? I am in Asia and the person who sent the email is also in Asia (I think)

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    An IP address will only lead you back to the company that provides their internet.

    If it is a big company the address might not even be in the same state/province as the actual person.

    To find out a persons address you have to get it from their internet provider and they wont give it out without a court order.

    If you have a problem with threatening mail you should hand it over to the police.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes it is very possible.. You can either search the IP address and you will know which country it is from. Or you can download some programs like whereisit that could get information on IP Address, Email or ICQ..

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That IP tracer was quite off. I would look into some software if its super important. Secondly, asia has the worst network ever, so good luck.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    To get the exact location, you would have to deal with the local police.They would then work with the internet providers to trace the location.

  • 10 years ago

    unless you work for the fbi or cia or any crime related field

    this is about as close as you get

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