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How to Virus removal?

Isolate compromised computers quickly to prevent threats from spreading further. Perform a forensic analysis and restore the computers using trusted media.

What does this mean? and how to correctly perform this "forensic analysis" I am using Norton Internet Security

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    the isolate compromised bit just means disconnect it from the network

    forensic analysis will just be running a few virus/malware scans

    the restore bit means wipe the hard disk and reinstall the operating system (Windows) using the original CD/DVD

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  • cHq73i
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Without re-installing the whole operating system make sure you update all protection programs the discount your internet connection and run all your scans and remove all infections before you reconnect to the internet but if your re-installing the operating system you basically the only hardware attached to your tower is your keyboard,mouse,monitor and speakers. Always remember to back up any important data before doing a complete factory restore.

  • 10 years ago

    i got this virus few days ago this virus delete some file of your system and yo have to install a new system what ever you use and if you repair your window is does not work and still your have this problem and another performance of this virus is that hidden all of your files. then you install a new system change them all

  • 10 years ago

    Exe Radar Pro to monitor any process that runs in the system (has built-in anti-malware):

    SuperAntispyware to scan for spyware and other threats:

    Avast Antivirus to have a good antivirus protection:

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    is there a name for the virus

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