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I am new in HongKong just moved here 2months now so I'm unfamiliar with the places here

I need to buy ceramic tiles (good quality not China ones) for renovation of my bathroom can you tell me where in HongKong can I buy this kind of good quality tiles but in retail quantity only meaning a few pieces not wholesale. I also want to buy BED MATTRESS but don't know where in HongKong is selling all brand of mattress because at shopping malls only very few brands and styles

Appreciate your help Thanks

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    go to

    I re did a village house using their tiles, which i got at wholesales prices

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    the alternative is the two to alter the colour of the partitions or paint the tiles. in case you opt to color the tiles click on the link under for shade options. My decision could be for portray the partitions yet another shade, only be sure you employ sugar cleansing soap to bathe the partitions down with first.

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