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Plants vs Zombies game - how to get a Zen Garden? Where to find this?

This seems like a difficult game, always not enough money to buy things that will defeat the zombies ... I read some cheats that I should water the plants in the Zen Garden ... question is how to go to this zen garden? where to find it? it also says "water the plants" how do i water the plants? there seem no watering paraphrenalia to do it. It also talks about adjusting the time 30minutes back so the plants will need water again and so after watering it it can grow and you can sell it, so do you mean to say for example I'm playing the game at 10:00am and supposing I find this zen garden and plant the plants and I watered the plants at 10:00am does this mean I adjust the system time to 9:30am or 10:30am??? Its confusing

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    How to get it ? :

    It can be obtained by completing the Adventure Mode level 5-4

    How to water it ? :

    Don't worry ! Watering is a very simple task, just click on the water cup thingy and click on the plant to water them.

    What will happen if i don't water them or ignore them for a long time ? :

    Nothing will happen ! Good news isn't it?

    Well, hope it helps ! You also can go to this website for more information!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    you have to wait for it. complete all your levels and a special plant will appear, click on it and you can then water that plant.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    it fairly is all random. they drop of their corresponding survival modes, meaning you will discover the three peater in day time survival, ice shroom in the evening survival, etc.

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