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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Are laws against prostitution a war on women?

If democrats are so concerned about womens rights and ownership of their own bodies why are democrats never pushing hard for legalization of prostitution?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They don't push for it because it isn't a position with a lot of support here in the states. Make no mistake, political parties don't push for things on simple principal. With rare exception, they pick the issues they do to gain votes. Look at the GOP, they realized that their immigration policy was losing them too many votes with important demographics and now they are easing up on the issue. If they ease off enough, you won't even hear about immigration in the next Presidential Election. It's the same reason you don't see Marijuana being legalized on the national level. The grassroots campaign that is so strong in some states simply has no support in others. Issues like this need popular support before politicians will attempt to champion the cause.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I'm totally for prostitution. It's dangerous and it needs to be regulated, but yes, I actually believe it's her body and she can do what she wants. I also think men can become prostitutes, for other men or women. I want to avoid human trafficking, violence, bad pimps, and STD's. We shouldn't have red light districts in residential neighborhoods either. Otherwise, I don't see why not. Immoral is your opinion, but if you need the money you should be allowed to do it. I don't like the whole "a war on women" thing, I can do things for the sake of everyone, not just women. Prostitution is dangerous and doesn't just affect women (children, male prostitutes), anyone to sum it up as something so simple is stupid.

    I think right now there are a lot of things people are focusing on. Maybe when the economy gets a little better and we get the big laws out of the way, we'll conquer prostitution. I know I'll be advocating.

    Source(s): Democrat.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Actually most Libreals are just like most Conservatives both are small minded and idiotic. Example Libreals like to use Abortion conservatives make the entire wrong argument when trying to stop abortion. Abortion is wrong because it is killing a living creature that living thing may not be intelligence yet but it would still a human even if it has no IQ level I could get into that more but I won't.

    As For Prostitution I'm a libertarian and I believe that this is one thing that should be legalized and regulated

    First Reason if you make it legal and then regulate it then you could force the companies that provide the service to make the partakers of it wear condoms and it the women would be safer and less likely to be raped or killed by they're jons.

    Second Reason:Taxes The government would make A lot of Revenue from such an enterprise.

    Third Reason:It would make it more difficult for men or other women to take advantage of the prostitutes.

    Fourth Reason:It would make it safer for both the Costumer and the provider "prostitute" Because you can regulate that all Costumers would have to wear condoms and it would be done in a cleaner and safer environment because the health Services would be in charge of inspecting the Places of business just like a restaurant.

    Fifth:Human Trafficking and sex trade would die out The U.S is the number one consumer of Sex Slaves sold into prostitution.

    Source(s): Social: Libretarian Fiscial:conservative.
  • 8 years ago

    I agree that prostitution should be legal, but not because the illegalization of prostitution is a 'war on women.'

    Source(s): Male prostitutes exist too
  • 8 years ago

    That is an interesting question.

    On one hand, allowing women, like men, to use their bodies to make a living should be legal.

    But, on the other hand, prostitution almost is always about a pimp taking advantage of women, or women being at high risk of injury by the customer.

    Do you have any possible solutions?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes what consenting adults do is their own business. Free and civilized societies have legalized prostitution much better for everyone. We have a out of control government that wants to control what you do in the bedroom. Some states have sodomy laws still on the books.

    Why is it legal to kill your child but not to sell sex?

  • peachy
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I can see your point. Libs like to use phrases like: "it's a woman's body," and "the government can't tell her what to do with her body." What makes prostitution any different? Very valid point!

    Edit - I just have to laugh at the first two answers. Implying that prostitution is illegal because it is immoral. Yet, isn't murder immoral, too?

  • 8 years ago

    Prostitution is the oldest profession on this planet.

    Legalize it and it won't change a thing. So legalize it!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    the problem is so many women are forced into prostitution through human trafficking situations and if they are under control of pimps they don't have much control.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Laws against prostitution are an attempt to protect women from disease, beatings, rape and murder.

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