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How do I breed my 2 pet rattlesnakes?
Why aren't they breeding? I know they're both males, but come on!! I have to get them to breed and make baby rattlesnakes so I can win a $69 bet with my brother. If I win, I'll be nice and let him keep the baby rattlesnakes.
3 Answers
- 8 years agoFavorite Answer
1 they're both males, 2 do you even know how to care for venomous snakes?! And don't ask such stupid questions
- joeparker67Lv 68 years ago
I would worry more that youre a loser with no life and you waste your time being a troll on yahoo answers lol, maybe get a job, or some friends lol go to a bar (if youre not 14) maybe play a sport if your not to lazy
- Anonymous8 years ago
You shouldn't even have rattlesnakes. They are poisonous for crying out loud!