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I need a new email, any suggestions?

I am so sick of yahoo mail with their constant changes and all the glitches, it's almost impossible to get into yahoo setting and make changes not to mention that we have little control over the changes we can make. Every week there is some new annoying change or another annoying glitch. I use to loved yahoo mail and thought it was so awesome but then they started to "improve" it and make it more complicated, much less user friendly. It's almost like they don't want us to use it. I mean why would you make things so difficult and annoying if you wanted people to use it. maybe they like all their side sites and email takes up too much time, energy and space so they want to make it as miserable as possible so people stop using it? That is the only explanation that makes sense to me.

Can anyone recommend a reliable easy to use email system?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Try they have an amazing choice of addresses you can use. You can also set it up to be used with ANY mail program such as Thunderbird or Outlook.

    I have one address with them for over 12 years.

  • 8 years ago

    I highly recommend Gmail, it's simple and can link to your accounts for most other websites if you want.

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