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Who is in charge of yahoo mail and why do they hate us?

Harry Truman had a sign on his desk saying "The buck stops here" I wonder if anyone in the yahoo organization takes responsibilities for all the screw up that have happened in yahoo mail in the last year? They have so many glitches and problems that take forever to fix. They come up with these stupid ideas whose only purpose seem to be is change. For example why switch the send button to the bottom of the page when it has always been at the top and everyone is used to it? I am sure I am not the only one who scans to the top of the page when I want to send then remember it's now at the bottom so I have to scroll down again. They have made so many changes that the mail is incredibly slow, emails won't open, they won't send they won't delete. Many times I have to sign out and sign back in again to get to the next step.

Yahoo keeps telling us to use them as a storage device but then take away an easy search option or make it difficult to change from one place to another. It took me half a day to find out where my additional files went when they decided to hide them. I am so frustrated by yahoo mail, I used to LOVE it but now I ABSOLUTELY HATE YAHOO MALE. One of the most frustrating things for me is Why did yahoo work so hard to make so many of us angry and frustrated?

Who is responsible for all these headaches and Why do they still have a job? Doesn't anyone at yahoo have standards? If you work at yahoo can you screw up anything and still keep your job? Is there no responsibility and accountability at yahoo?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally agree. I hate the new system. It now takes 5 steps to print an email. Why not have the Print icon where it's easily visible? And the Sent at the bottom is ridiculous. Plus all my sent emails disappeared and it doesn't record new messages as being sent.

  • 8 years ago

    1-800-318-0612 customer service... maybe if you can get thru.

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