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Can I put my Win 7 on a new computer?

I want to get a new computer but I don't want to use Windows8. Can I use the disks from my currant computer and install Window 7 to a new computer? What I'm really saying is can I do it legally or is there a risk of getting in trouble from Windows?

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You'd need to buy a new Product Key for Windows 7. Microsoft licenses are only good for one installation on a particular computer hard drive. You wouldn't be able to get Windows 7 from the prior computer to activate properly. A license for a different computer would be cheaper than purchasing a new Windows 7 Installation disk, if you could even find one now. Some manufacturers are still offering Windows 7 ( OEM ) on some computers. I just bought a new HP from TigerDirect that has Windows 7 Pro installed. So at least you do have a choice. Just contact Microsoft for an additional license for Windows 7.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't think you can do that. Also as in the question above there is NO way windows 8 can be faster than my windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. My web pages open in anywhere from .02 to .035/s Also I don't mind waiting 10 to 15 seconds longer for my windows 7 to boot up.

    Source(s): Computer Technician
  • 7 years ago

    You can still install it on your new computer. Use the same code that you have from your old computer then. It will ask you to active because code has been used. Activate by phone and it will give you a new code as long as it is a legit disk. You are good to go, you will not need to buy a new code. They will let you do this to three machines usually.

  • 7 years ago

    You can use Windows 7 on your new computer but the key is only for one computer. So you need to buy a new key. If you use your old one it will be limited function.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Yes you can install windows 7 but be sure to install genuine license windows only.

  • 7 years ago

    Windows. 8 Is so much faster.

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