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Is it possible to copy and paste from Word to email?

When I copy and paste from microsoft word to an email or another web site, my story gets double spaced and the lines are incredibly wide and not within a normal margin. Is there a way to copy and past from word to email or to a blog on a website and have it come out looking normal?

1 Answer

  • 6 years ago

    Windows attempts to preserve formatting when copying and pasting between different programs, but it quite often messes up. You need to convert to plain text before inserting in the final document.

    Right-click on your desktop and select new > text document.

    Rename it to something convenient / recognisable such as "Scratchpad".

    Any time you need to paste between different programs, click the text file to open it, paste the copied text in then re-select and re-copy it. That removes all extra data except the text itself.

    It will then paste to any other program without odd formatting.

    You can close the text file without saving anything after use, to leave it ready for the next time you need it..

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