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Seriously guys? Even after that debate conservatives cannot tell they are being played?

A guy who has never had any role in GOP politics suddenly comes out with absurd right wing talking points but not a single workable policy solution, and he is not only leading in the polls but also controlling the debates and really dictating the whole agenda of the GOP nomination battle? And more to the point moving it all away from reality - yet a quarter of GOP voters are enamored with this guy who's past proposals have included a wealth tax, increasing the corporate tax rate to pay for a single payer health system, and introducing more gun control. What gives?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    GOPs looked weak. I'm disappointed. Trump is going to coast his way to victory.

  • 6 years ago

    If this were October, I'd be very worried, but it's early August and I'm not concerned at all. They say that even a week is a long time in politics.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    THere's no doubt in my mind Trump would be a liberal Republican, but if he can get that border closed it'd be worth the vote. If we can't get that border closed the country is finished anyway, imagine nothing but hard leftist after hard leftist elected POTUS and Dims dominating the legislature. That's what we're heading for these immigrants we are getting only know big government left and they vote Dim 8 in 10. Want to see a country break apart? That's how it's going to happen.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You didn't watch the debates.

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