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What was yahoo mail thinking adding my gmail address to my yahoo account?

First of all, how did yahoomail even know I set up a gmail account and how did it get my gmail address? I did not import or connect anything. Second why does yahoo think I want the 2 emails joined together? I set up a separate account for a reason because I wanted to keep things separated or else I would have set up an additional yahoo account. Doesn't yahoo realize millions of people use 2 accounts because they want to keep them separate for a specific reason?

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    I am just so infuriated that yahoo thinks it knows what I want more than I do and that it's going around nosing itself into my business. Why is yahoo invading my personal information? Did I give them permission to research my personal information? NO I most certainly did not! I feel this is a total invasion of privacy.

  • 5 years ago

    Can they actually do that??

    If so, ew yahoo!!!

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