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Anonymous asked in Local BusinessesIrelandCork · 2 years ago

I am Studying Architecture, would it be advisable to practice Forex trade along side? or is chasing two things not a good idea?

10 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd concentrate on one and when you have that down, and are earning money doing it, then get into Forex. Forex is a great way to make really good money, with little time and effort but there is a lot to know and having to stop and shift to architecture and back and forth - I would advise against it.

    Source(s): Studied Forex & have a friend who does it big time.
  • 2 years ago

    huh im confused what hmmm what lol what

  • 2 years ago

    Ooga booga ........

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    How much money do you have? If your studying architecture and still have enough to trade chances as re you don't want to risk it because you already have enough.

  • 2 years ago

    Forex trade is very speculative.

  • 2 years ago

    Focus on your passion then it's not work.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    forex is like burning your money. If you are in school, you probably do not have enough to be burning it.

    You could lose $100k and still not have a clue what you are doing.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    One has nothing to do with the other. And one has a 99.5% chance of loss.

    One is crazy stupid.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Follow your interests but study the history of

    Things to see what held up the best and what

    Was structurally weak and should not be used

    Again. Frank Lloyd wrights unsupported over

    Hanging roofs was stupid but looked chic or

    Cool unlit high winds hit them and broke them

    Or caused them to move all around and creek

    And make lots of noises all day and night.

    Things must be built worth the strongest

    Materials and materials designed to last

    In the environment your building in. Building

    Is very precise and very complex and it's

    Hard to get everything perfect unless you

    Think carefully about every aspect of every

    Thing. What exactly should go in the concrete?

    Standard concrete is 4 times weaker than

    Commercial concrete. Sadly almost every

    Home and building stupidly use standard

    Concrete that cracks too easily and doesn't

    Last that long. We need to update our states

    Building codes and strengthen our construction


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