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Excel Report Date format problem?
My client sends me an automated spreadsheet with one column being date and time a ticket is created. The date is listed as Australians would do it (ie day before month) but excel does not recognize it as a date. So when I try to extract just the month or day, or to sort, it doesn't work.
If I try to format it as a date, if the day is less than 12 excel makes that the month, the rest it ignores. Even if I format it as Australian dates, excel switches them aroundHow do I tell excel this is a date written in Australian format and I do not want it changed.
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 year ago
Have you tried under format for numbers for language changing it to English, Australian?
- garbo7441Lv 71 year ago
As you are receiving the workbook with the dates in Australian date format, you may need to set your regional settings to English UK, or to run a VBA routine adjust the cell formats to US date format.