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? asked in Cars & TransportationCar MakesToyota · 3 months ago

Can Toyota Corolla drive in the snow? ?

Any car people or people that own corollas? 


And if so what is your experience driving in snow 

7 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Yes you can but you should change your cars tyre

  • Jay P
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    As long as it's not deep snow ( higher than the front bumper ), snow is not much of an issue for a Corolla ( or any other front wheel drive vehicle for that matter ).

    Having winter tires definitely helps, not just for acceleration but also braking and turning as well.

  • 3 months ago

    As long as it has winter tires, you're good to go budd!

  • Scott
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Of course it can. What kind of a question is that?

  • 3 months ago


    Can YOU drive one in snow?

    I see many at the local ski resorts if that means anything.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    ANY  car can drive in the snow and front-wheel-drive cars are generally better than rear-wheel drive. How well any car handles inb snow depends on the particular road conditions, the type of road, the type and quality of tires and the experience of the driver. I live in Alaska and I've driven all over the northern united states and a good part of Canada  in my Corolla in the winter time and have had zero problems, but then I've got 47 years and nearly a million miles of professional driving experience under my belt, so your experience in a Corolla will probably be different. 


    Last winter I made an 1,800 mile trip down the Alcan and had to stop for a night in the Yukon because the roads were too bad for anyone to be driving, especially in the dark, but the next day I drove over 1,000 miles in pretty bad conditions without a problem while most other people were staying off the road, and I didn't even have snow tires! So yes, a Corolla can drive in the snow. The big question is whether you can do it competently yourself or not.. 

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Of course it can. If it can’t then what’s the point of buying a Corolla if you live in the northeast, Midwest, the Rockies, etc. 

    A good set of snow tires is better than an AWD with regular all weather tires. 

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