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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionSoap Operas · 3 months ago

Why are the Osbournes (Ozzy, Sharon, Jack, Kelly) on so many US TV shows if they live in the UK ?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

     I live in the UK 6 months out of the year. Ozzy and Sharon settled down in Beverly Hills, Ca. in 2015.

  • 3 months ago

    1- They aren't on many tv shows: Sharon is on "The talk", Jack has a new tv series out (may have been cancelled), Ozzy isn't doing anything these days, same goes for Kelly.

    2- None of them live in the UK: Sharon/Ozzy have a home in the UK, but their primary residence is in Los Angeles, I believe in Malibu. Jack and Kelly live up in the hills, they don't have a home in the UK.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Hollywood pays much, much better than the BBC.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    They don’t live in the UK, they’re from the UK.  Like several other celebrities from across the pond, they relocated to the US and have remained in LA.  The US, especially LA, gives a lot more space and privacy to celebrities compared to in Europe and there’s a lot of business located for the industry they work in.  This is the same reason why Prince Harry left the UK to the US.

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