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Anonymous asked in PetsRodents · 3 months ago

Did my guinea pig rape the other?

I’ve been holding off on asking this because it seemed stupid, but I’m actually really concerned now. About 4 days ago, I noticed that my older, fatter guinea pig was walking weird. It looked like he was crawling or laying on the ground and scouching his legs to move. This might seem confusing so just imagine a human with both their kneecaps and shoulders broken. He also had a huge amount of semen/boar glue on him - about the size of a quarter. It was really disturbing. I noticed that my younger, slimmer guinea pig had ruffled up fur. I assumed that they had a fight and removed my younger guinea pig from the cage immediately. Later, was told that the younger guinea pig was humping the older one. My older guinea pig is the less dominant one and is very passive. He couldn’t even walk to go get his food after the assault, it had to be brought to him. This has happened before, but the boar glue was always no bigger than a pea and my guinea pig has never struggled to walk like that before. After soaking and cutting the boar glue out of his fur, I tried to see his belly but I couldn’t because he kept wincing in pain as I tried to pick him up. Finally today I was able to pick him up and his butt looks a little weird, like more exposed. I know this probably sounds so dumb but I’m very concerned. Also, the day after the assault my guinea pig was walking normally again but today he’s walking weird, like his front half seems to be fine but his back half seems a little slow. Please help.

6 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    well you dont suppose be place male and female in same cage or tank because its season time and some times the female start their period  heat month thing so can get aggressive toward males . so better to take the male out and place him own new cage . . .if they were both males  still better to replace own cages with own food, water, toys ,hays for beddings. make sure you leave a small light at night time. so because guinea pigs cant sleep in dark . just let you know guinea pigs love play and hide in a toilets papers and toilets carton boards make into a hidden place to sleep in. if you think the male in pain , you should take him to vet for get treatment from his injury. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Oh jeez what did i just read. 

    Idk much about guinea pigs i have rats 🐀 when my older boy started fighting his younger buddy who was verry passive i was upset, it crossed the line when his buddy couldn't walk  CAUSE HES LEG WAS MESSED UP... so i got him Neutered now he lives with the girls hes very relaxed he doesn't even randomly attack me anymore. 

    (he came from someone who was abusing there dog, hes always been kinda grumpy but i feel bad cause hes like that for a reason) Anyway maybe its the same  for guinea pigs look into it.

  • 3 months ago

    oh god damn thats wild holy ****

  • 3 months ago

    Did you see if he has an impaction? Maybe he needs his sac cleaned?

  • 3 months ago

    It's probably a dominance thing. Give them seperate hutches and get advice from a vet,

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Reported to the guinea pig police            

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