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? asked in PetsFish · 2 months ago

Do I need to get my fish some tankmates?

I have two X-ray fish and one fish I am trying to identify at the moment (but I know is a guppy and is compatible with the X-rays. After one of my X-ray fish dying and me doing some research I realized that X-ray fish school!! I almost couldn't believe that it was recommended I triple my number of X-rays after the pet shop said I only needed 3. So I was wondering if X-rays only school with X-rays or if I could get a bit more variety in fish and maybe get some different types of tetras instead. Although X-rays are pretty cool :D. I only have a 10 gallon tank and the ph levels are currently (I measured today) at eight/liter which makes me a tad bit weary about bring new tank mates in. 

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Green 666 by isotope rays is NOT forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners/insane asylum folks (released by the antichrist) 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents as documents are from Satan.

    Source(s): According to the LastProphet (aka incarnated ARCHANGEL URIEL aka saint healer VYACHESLAV KRASHENINNIKOV) if the last descendant rejects mark of the beast, then his/her direct ancestors go to permanent heaven. To reject mark of the beast, one needs to hide within a 10-15 people group without electronics/documents. Documents are from Satan; burn them. Electronics can be used to track you and to show the antichrist (even on old broken unplugged TV set from 1970's using Tesla's ether); forgive me.
  • 2 months ago

    We have all been duped by petstore owners.  Just bring your phone from now on, look up the maximum size of any fish and the minimum tank size of the fish. and type, "Is so and so a schooling fish?"  

    The bare minimum school for a schooling fish is 6.  And some fish will need more then 6 members in their school to keep them happy and not stressed.  A school is one species, 6 neon tetras is one school, and 6 x-ray tetras is a second school.  It is not one big school of 12.  The exception is when there are color variants.  There are albino x-ray tetra, "aka golden x-ray tetra" and there are regular x-ray tetra.  and 3 of each will be one school of 6 becuase they are the same species.  They have the same scientific name.  

    Always check the scientific name, because some fish that might seem the same, like black neons, and neons,are not the same species.

    Your ph level will remain the same as your tap water, it is not effected by how many fish you have, though it may bounce during cycling and return to the same ph as your tap water, or sorce water.  Unless you add chemmicals, or sea shells, or other ph changing items. 

    It is ammonia, nitrite and Nitrate that you should monitor.   And if you keep up with normal weekly 25-50% water changes in a cycled aquarium, 6 x-rays should be fine.  The one guppy should be fine too.  But make sure your tank is cycled before adding more fish.

  • 2 months ago

    The pet store I went to told me I only needed three X-rays which honestly I 100% regret believing, because now I realize that I was not nearly properly enough informed on the species to make an educated decision. I also am not able to buy a bigger tank at the moment, and so that is unfortunately not an option for me. For the wellbeing of my fish I want to figure out what is best for them in the current situation they are in, which I will try to prevent for all my future fish.

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    While X-Rays Do school and guppies would be a fine addition, a 10 gallon tank is pretty much useless. Try a 20 for them. 

    I've run everything from  2 1/2 gallon breeder tank my current 75 gallon tank. Don't run schoolers right now-I've gone a bit bigger like Green Sevrums and Jelly Bean Parrots. 

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